What are the best activities to meet women?


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Here is some information about my self.

I currently 25 years old and about to turn 26 this week. Through out my life I have mostly been single with the exception of two girl friends during the course of my life.

Right now I work a 8 to 5 job where there are no women my age, and I am also working to a master degree, but in my major there are few girls at all.

I think that most of my hobies are fairly bad to meet girls.
video games, motorcycles, martial arts...

Also, my social life is not doing to well either.

Can anyone recommend me some sports or activities where I am more likely to meet women and rebuild my social life.

I went to see my old martial instructor today, and I am thinking of re-joining the club, but deep down I know it's not going to help my social life or meet some women.

Also, I do go to the gym in my university, but I rarely get the chance to interact with people as everyone tries to get the best out of their workout.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
I think that most of my hobies are fairly bad to meet girls.
video games, motorcycles, martial arts...
Those hobbies are fine. The only new hobby that should be manditory is chasing women, and you can combine that with whatever other hobbies you decide on.

Video Games

I've played a game called Everquest on and off for a couple years. Yeah I'm a nerd LOL. During that time I've met more hot nerdy chicks than I thought possible. I'm married but I hoard their pics, except for the nakey ones my wife deleted. I've met some of them in person, just as friends of course.

I hear with the more social games like the Sims that women outnumber men who play the game 2 to 1. I know dozens of people who have been laid, in LTR's, married, etc., because of these video games.

Everquest alone has over 400,000 monthly subscribers who pay $14 per month to play. About a third of those players are women. The running joke at my house is that if my wife ever leaves me for the pool boy that my EQ girlfriends will form a line.


I rode a motorcycle as my sole transportation for about 10 years. Chicks love motorcycles. Alot. They would always say stuff like "promise you won't drive fast". I always lied. Plus I had a few techniques like letting off the gas and having the bike lurch forward, pressing their breasts against me. They knew what I was doing it and loved it. If you punch it they will instinctively grab you -- it's just human nature. So she grabs onto you out of self preservation, and it's a really good excuse for physical contact.

Motorcycles aren't a way to meet women per se, but it's a good way to keep them interested and in close physical contact with you. A great first date is a high speed run through the santa monica mountains, into malibu by the ocean. Before you start the high speed run, promise her you won't drive fast.

Martial Arts

...like motorcycles, not really a way to meet women per se, but something to draw their interest. If she asks about the nunchucks hanging on the wall, give her a little demo. After the martial arts demo be sure to point out that you are a student of the kama sutra and just start making sh1t up like how you know of 137 different pleasure zones on a woman's body.

Try something new

It really doesn't matter how you meet women, just that you meet them. Be bold. Be adventurous. Be original. Don't be afraid to try new things like salsa dancing or skydiving. Push yourself to the limits and better yourself daily. Women should be a by-product of your adventures, not the focus of them.

Try something new that will force you to be in social situations you've never been in before. You want to go outside of your comfort zone and stay there.


Aug 17, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
Originally posted by GirlCrazy
I've played a game called Everquest on and off for a couple years. Yeah I'm a nerd LOL. During that time I've met more hot nerdy chicks than I thought possible. I'm married but I hoard their pics, except for the nakey ones my wife deleted. I've met some of them in person, just as friends of course.
Don't listen to this guy, camping the "girl-spawn" is fukking lame. I too played some MMO's in my time, a few times I used a girl toon and everytime the same thing happened: guys would hit on me thinking I was a girl in real life. I had a few ask me to be their girlfriends.

It's fukked up don't do it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Don't listen to this guy, camping the "girl-spawn" is fukking lame.
I'm not saying to use video games as a way to pickup chicks. What I was pointing out, is that even something as nerdy as a video game has dating potential. Play video games because you like playing video games, and keep in mind that lots of chicks play the same game, and many are single.

So a DJ is supposed to change his hobbies just so he can meet women? That's what's lame, changing what you like just to suit others.

My personal favorite activity to meet women is my dog. I have a pembrooke welsh corgi, which is a small cute breed that most people have never seen. My dog is a babe magnet, and everywhere I take her (the beach, the store, to run errands) she is the center of attention and chicks fawn all over her (and me). I don't take my dog out because I'm looking for female attention. I take my dog out because I like hanging out with my dog.

So my point still stands. Don't choose your hobbies based on how many women you'll meet.

And for the record I married a woman who can't stand motorcycles, martial arts, video games or any of my other interests. We have almost nothing in common.

I used a girl toon and everytime the same thing happened: guys would hit on me thinking I was a girl in real life.
Whether you care about meeting women in the game or not, pretending to be female is just a tad on the gay side whatever the context. You wouldn't dress up as a woman and hit the local clubs would you? So why pretend to be female in a video game? And how does it surprise you that men hit on you when you're pretending to be female?

And just because the game is full of cross dressers like yourself, doesn't mean that there's not actual women playing the game. I've met plenty of women from the game in person. Most of them are hot, and I even went and got a tattoo with one of them.

I had a few ask me to be their girlfriends.
Again, this was a great surprise?


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Here are a few suggestions:

Dance Lessons: Salsa is a good starter. Now dont mistake me, your average dance class will not be populated full of hot nubile females, in fact there will be alot of housewives, old folks, big women etc... however you are pretty much guaranteed to find a couple HB7-9s in the average distribution. Because you see them week after week and get constant close proximity kino (dancing!) they will become very comfortable with you. You can then lead to the obvious 'hey we should go out and practice sometime", get a number and take it from there. Not to mention the most IMPORTANT part. You learn a VERY VERY useful social skill that you can later draw on in other situations. So in short, go to learn to dance because dancing is a great activity that every DJ should know, not just to pick up chicks. Thats just a bonus by product. :)

Co-ed sports teams: Join a recreational soccer/softball/volleyball/whatever league. Guaranteed to have a few fit HBs in the mix. Exercise puts people in a good mood, good for socialization and you can have fun playing a game you like. Again, do it for the right reason: Because you want to play the game and get some exercise and be healthy and attractive, not to meet chicks.

I HIGHLY suggest staying away from online gaming as a way of meeting women. Ive played more then my fair share of online games and to be brutally honest the people who are addicted to these games tend to be very socially inept, lazy, recusive, UGLY, and generally messed up folks you are likely to meet. Now I realize im painting with a very broad brush but trust me here, 20 years of internet use has taught me a thing or two about the type of people who exclusively spend all thier free time online.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
In my dating career I seemed to have about the same success rate with women regardless of how I met them. Your mileage will vary.

Women I met at the beach that hopped on my motorcycle didn't seem to be better or worse than women I met in chat rooms, video games, grocery stores, rock concerts or dog walking just to name a few. People are people no matter where you meet them. Just let it flow.

My dating philosophy has always been this:

SHEER NUMBERS. Seduce as many women as possible in as many different social situations as possible. It's just like driving a stick shift -- it becomes second nature. It's not rocket science, and they WANT to be seduced.

20 years of internet use has taught me a thing or two about the type of people who exclusively spend all thier free time online
Agreed don't be a hermit. Hermits don't get the ladies, and you don't want to date hermit ladies *shudder*.

I allow myself 2-4 hours per week to play video games. I've been saving my "me time" up all week for the new game DOOM III go me!!!


Aug 17, 2002
Reaction score
In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
Originally posted by GirlCrazy
So a DJ is supposed to change his hobbies just so he can meet women? That's what's lame, changing what you like just to suit others.
I never said that.

A man has to be real about where and how he will meet a good woman. Maybe you found the love of your life while level grinding, but putting time into a virtual world is counterproductive for most men when it comes to meeting women.

Originally posted by GirlCrazy
So my point still stands. Don't choose your hobbies based on how many women you'll meet.

A point no one is debating.

Originally posted by GirlCrazy
Whether you care about meeting women in the game or not, pretending to be female is just a tad on the gay side whatever the context. You wouldn't dress up as a woman and hit the local clubs would you? So why pretend to be female in a video game? And how does it surprise you that men hit on you when you're pretending to be female?
This is the same retarded logic the people in SWG used. My TOON was a girl, I didn't act like one, I didn't flirt like one and no one roll plays in MMO's anymore anyhow. If my toon was a wookie could you assume I was an alien? No you bloody nerd ass douche bag, you couldn't.

Christ I don't even want to have to debate this again with another round of narrow minded ****s who don't understand that you can make no assumptions about a person because of their avatar.

So, nerd if I'm black that must make me a ****** criminal too. ****wit.

Originally posted by GirlCrazy
Again, this was a great surprise?

No it's not nerd, because I know what kind of ****ing losers you all are.

Originally posted by GirlCrazy
And just because the game is full of cross dressers like yourself,
Nerd, you know you could never say this kind of **** to anyone in real life; because in real life you're a ****ing *****.

Yeah, you and your fat ****ing wife have nothing in common; like the boyfriend she has on the side. Wanker ass nerd mother****er, when your woman pops out a baby that's not yours don't be surprised.

Here's something maybe you can understand in nerd speak:

GirlCrazy = Ignore List