What are some fun hobbies that will get me out of the house, away from the Internet, and make me feel part of a community??


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2022
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Been reading the Book of Pook and seeing a lot of descriptions of how men should really be involved in "action" types of hobbies. I am 33 and I spent the majority of my 20s being lazy and introverted, sitting at home reading books and Internet forums. I went out to drink regularly but it was mostly a crutch for emotional issues. I don't really have any good friends; just two drinking buddies who I see every now and then.

I guess I'm posting to get some inspiration on hobbies that will get me away from the Internet and make me feel part of a community? I like soccer and I tried a few Meetups before but it doesn't feel like a hobby that's primed for getting to know people...you just show up, play ball, and go home. I have long debated starting a martial art like Muay Thai but I talk myself out of it by saying I'm too old. I like the idea of hiking but doing it alone feels lonely. Appreciate any suggestions as to what's worked for forum members in terms of social hobbies.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2022
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Motorcycle/car clubs, any kind of sports, hiking, sailing, fishing, various martial arts. If you have any interests, there will be some or the other club. Depending on area there might be different places men generally hangout.

At least mention your location you can be helped better. May be some DJs are in your area and might be okay to meet up.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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  1. Sports: Joining a local sports team, like soccer, basketball, or ultimate frisbee, can help you stay active and meet new people. Many communities have recreational leagues for various skill levels.
  2. Hiking and outdoor activities: Hiking, camping, or joining an outdoor adventure club can expose you to nature and help you bond with like-minded individuals.
  3. Martial arts: Martial arts classes, such as karate, judo, or Brazilian jiu-jitsu, not only teach self-defense skills but also promote physical fitness and camaraderie.
  4. Volunteering: Participating in community service projects or volunteering at a local non-profit organization can help you feel more connected to your community and make a positive impact.
  5. Art classes: Taking up painting, drawing, or pottery classes can be a fun way to express your creativity and meet fellow art enthusiasts.
  6. Dance classes: Learning a new dance style, like salsa, swing, or hip-hop, can be an enjoyable way to get moving and socialize with others.
  7. Amateur theater: Joining a local theater group or participating in community plays can help you improve your acting skills and make friends with fellow performers.
  8. Photography: Photography clubs or workshops can teach you new techniques and provide opportunities to explore your surroundings and share your work with others.
  9. Gardening: Community gardens or gardening clubs can be a relaxing way to connect with nature and meet fellow gardening enthusiasts.
  10. Music: Learning a musical instrument or joining a local band, choir, or orchestra can help you develop your musical talents and connect with fellow musicians