What are some examples of a smooth talker?

Dark Nimbus

Senior Don Juan
Jan 20, 2002
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A smooth talker is a guy who can get a girl to lose all sense of time during a conversation and get her to open up about topics she normally wouldn't, without even realizing it. He's good at seducing girls with a combination of interesting and funny jokes/stories while being able to control the mood the entire time. He wants the girl to walk away after having seen many levels to his personality, without him even revealing much about himself in the process.

A smooth talker ALWAYS controls the conversation and thinks 4 steps ahead of the girl. He listens to the smallest details and then brings them up at the most appropriate times to elicit a bonding experience through understanding and communication.

He pries into a girls life and finds her strengths and weaknesses without her realizing he's building up a psychological profile of her personality in his head. He paves the way for future conversations by learning about her history, bouncing around from topic to topic to keep her interested and off guard, yet somehow makes it seem effortless.

A smooth talker picks up on patterns quickly from his former experiences with chatting to girls. He has a good idea of what works and what doesn't, and uses that information wisely. He's not afraid to try new techniques, and knows how to recover if they don't work the way he intended.

Most importantly, a good talker realizes that the biggest erogenous zone on any girl is her brain, and that the ONLY thing that needs to be aroused is that one part, and the rest will follow. He stays out of the friend zone by making his sexuality known and hints on his sexual motives in a playful way at first, and judging by the girls reaction and body language, decides how to progress.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2004
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A good example of a smooth talker is Bill Clinton. The guy is well-known for smooth talking. Smooth phrases can only be realized in the context of the situation the smooth talking is applied.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
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Getting ahead of yourselves here: 2 elements

1.) Confidence
2.) Empathy

You are very sure of yourself, you present yourself well, you speak like you are knowledgable. You can carry a conversation with all types of personalities...At the same time, you let them know that you understand what they are trying to say, you can easily connect with people through conversation...You use these two skills to attain what you want through the conversation...