I'm somewhat curious about what constitutes neediness. Because I saw in another post that it's the ultimate attraction killer, but I don't understand what constitutes neediness in a
texting society other than blowing up someone's phone and pressing for a get together.
Neediness = obsession. (Constant thoughts revolving around a particular girl)
In regards to texting/e-mailing/phone calls, you could potentially appear needy to a girl if you:
- go out of your way to message her everyday or often
- message her again after she doesn't reply to your first one
- attempt to prolong a conversation that is going nowhere or she is clearly not responding with interest (such as short answers or close-end responses)
- ask her often for an opinion or advice on things, i.e. Seeking approval
- asking where she is or who's she with
In regards to your apparent lifestyle and in-person interaction with her, she could perceive neediness by you:
- being too nice, catering to her
- trying to impress her with an over display of kindness and generosity
- willingly ditching your friends to hang out with her
- always asking to hang out or extend a date or your time together
- you don't appear to have a social life or social circle beyond her
- being clingy physically or following her
- you're too agreeable and share her opinion on everything
In regards to using introspection to recognize your neediness, the following are indicators you are probably in a state of obsession (neediness):
- a particular girl is on your mind often
- you constantly have an urge to contact this girl while ignoring others (or alternatively, you have a urge to mass message a bunch of girls, then proceed to display the signs of texting neediness listed above)
- you keep up-to-date on a girl (or girls) by checking what's happening on a her/their social media daily, overanalyzing it
- you get anxiety or restlessness when a girl doesn't respond immediately to a message, you check often to see if she has replied or read your message
- you're willing to change your schedule for her
- you limit yourself to online dating out of comfort
100% of these symptoms of neediness can be eliminated through the practice of emotional intelligence and mindfulness, believe it or not. But if you want a more Don Juan-like style to manage your symptoms of neediness, you can mitigate your obsession by spinning multiple plates, at all times, in addition to regularly approaching and talking to new women. Think abundance.
Neediness is often a mental and emotional reaction to scarcity.