What appearance change increased the attention you got from women the most?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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One of the first things we usually tell dudes to work on to increase their dating success is their appearance. Because for the most part I think we can all say that its rare that a dude is butt ugly. Most folks are at least average, and with the right clothes and body type can be attractive to a decent amount of women.

We generally tell dudes to hit the gym, get better style clothing wise, find a hairstyle that works for them, and just maintain good hygiene. So what worked best for you?

Personally it was growing my hair. I have dreads, and once they got passed my ears I noticed girls always telling me how cool my hair was. Ive been working out more than I did in my teens or early 20s, but I was never in bad shape so I cannot exactly say how big the difference is. Though I do get more compliments now, I think its a function of my wearing more fitted clothing as well...since that shows off my work more.

But yeah, as I said for me, growing my hair out is what I noticed got me more attention. When I cut my hair a couple years ago, I felt invisible again. Its kinda like how Samson (from the Bible) got strength from his hair. Once my hair grew back, I noticed an increase in attention again.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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I agree with your point on hair. Mine is about 9-10 inches long now, but I don't have dreads, just smooth.

I find myself getting a lot more positive attention firstly since my hair is longer, but also because I am gaining muscle mass, and in the past few weeks, I have lost some fat on my torso and worked on my abs almost daily, so my entire torso looks better, and I can tell women are becoming more attracted, some are even blatantly sexually evaluating me.

I've been getting nervous actually, the past few days, as women were sexually evaluating me. They're pretty hot TBH.

It must be the sudden increase in sexual tension.

If I keep on working out at this tempo I will be attracting proper 9's. I already am attracting plenty of 8's, even some high 8's.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
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Los Angeles
Working out is a huge part.

Also wearing clothes that fits you properly like you stated and showing a fit physique.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 22, 2012
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Working out. And for two reasons.

1. You look way better with muscle than with a beer gut or skeleton figure.
2. When you put on muscle, you become confident af.

Everytime i get a friend in the gym and they start seeing results, the ****iness in them unleashes. I always get a laugh out of it.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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I definitely notice only when I'm looking my best do I see any indicators of interest at all from any females when I'm out and about in public. It's hard to name one thing, but it mostly involves hair. I'm 6'1 and always weighed under 200lbs with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, so I never looked out of shape. I've also been working on my expression and keeping a different relaxed expression lately that seems to be helping.

While I think long hair looks better the only time my hair is longer is when I've delayed getting a haircut and being uneven and thinning it apparently doesn't give me the best appearance. So I have to have a recent haircut, shampooed to increase thickness. Since in my mid-30's there's some grey in my hair and facial hair, so hair dyed and a clean shave. Also my better fitting and looking clothes.

Basically, looking clean cut and wearing clothes that fit well and newer is the only things that turns me from invisible to sensing some indicators of attraction from some females.

When I was in my 20's I could wear a 2 day beard stuble to good effect. I was on the leaner/thin side being tall, so weight lifting put on buffness and seemed to help. But I only did it for a year and my physique was good enough anyway. It really helped mostly against detering guys from amoging. When I was really young about 18 having long hair seem to appeal to girls, but back then mullets were still considered sexy lol.

Heck when I was in my early 20's and younger it was so much easier to get attraction from girls which I never capitalized on. I was basically turning pvssy down sometimes even if a girl was stripping her clothes off because they weren't hot enough. When I was younger my game was the main problem. Now that I'm older my looks are the main problem.

Age, looks and appearance has been shown to me to be the biggest factors. I'd probably increase my success if I started using minoxidil and propecia, but I'm not willing to take the potential risks.

I know appearance to be a big factor for other guys I know, friends and relatives. One gets more attraction if he wears a baseball cap because he has curly/no style hair that is receding some. Another has a good build but tends to get a belly. If he leans down women show him a lot more attention.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
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In my early 20s I put on 30 lbs of muscle in 4-5 months. All women liked me after the weight gain.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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^You must have put on a lot of fat too, because its really only physically possible to put on 2 pounds of muscle per month. And thats with a perfect diet and exercise routine.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
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Jaylan said:
^You must have put on a lot of fat too, because its really only physically possible to put on 2 pounds of muscle per month. And thats with a perfect diet and exercise routine.

Not true, I had a six-pack. I spent a long time reading about what to do before I ever lifted a weight. When starting I had a proper routine and I kept my diet simple.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Jules_Winfield said:
Not true, I had a six-pack. I spent a long time reading about what to do before I ever lifted a weight. When starting I had a proper routine and I kept my diet simple.
You are so full of it. Its IMPOSSIBLE to gain that much muscle in less 6 months, even with steroids.

You guys need to learn the difference between fat and muscle. And also know the affect of water retention on weight. You may think you put on so much muscle so soon, but much of that weight gain is fat and water retention.

There is no reputable scientific info anywhere that says a human can put on that amount of pure muscle in such a short time. Its physically impossible even for skinny hard gainers. You cannot defy human genetics.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Jaylan said:
^You must have put on a lot of fat too, because its really only physically possible to put on 2 pounds of muscle per month. And thats with a perfect diet and exercise routine.
Not true at all. When, for physical/injury reasons, I had to start and stop working out, I can gain or lose 20 lbs of muscle in 1 to 2 months. I guess I was fortunate it the genes category though. I'm also tall as well so that may have something to do with it.

You may be confused with someone who's already reached some type of plateau in their workout. At the beginning, if you're doing things right, you can gain muscle pretty fast.

EDIT: and I've never used steroids or growth or anything illegal. I don't even use the legal $hit, I did used to use creatine but cut that out a while back.

EDIT #2:
Jaylan said:
There is no reputable scientific info anywhere that says a human can put on that amount of pure muscle in such a short time. Its physically impossible even for skinny hard gainers. You cannot defy human genetics.
I don't need "scientific info".....I did it a few times. Me...moi. It may have been easier for me because of muscle memory but it can be done. Send your reputed scientist my way, I'll prove em wrong ;)


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
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Jaylan said:
You are so full of it. Its IMPOSSIBLE to gain that much muscle in less 6 months, even with steroids.

It's not impossible for beginners. I did it. There are articles about it. A guy created a website about it for skinny guys/hard gainers. At some point the gains would be harder to come by.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
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Shaved my unibrow...
EDIT: so im the only one that didnt have to work out to get attention?

but i agree with the guys that grew their hair long. Girls like to touch it a lot


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Peaks&Valleys said:
Not true at all. When, for physical/injury reasons, I had to start and stop working out, I can gain or lose 20 lbs of muscle in 1 to 2 months. I guess I was fortunate it the genes category though. I'm also tall as well so that may have something to do with it.

You may be confused with someone who's already reached some type of plateau in their workout. At the beginning, if you're doing things right, you can gain muscle pretty fast.

EDIT: and I've never used steroids or growth or anything illegal. I don't even use the legal $hit, I did used to use creatine but cut that out a while back.

EDIT #2:
I don't need "scientific info".....I did it a few times. Me...moi. It may have been easier for me because of muscle memory but it can be done. Send your reputed scientist my way, I'll prove em wrong ;)
Still not buying it.

So youre telling me your body is some mutated wonder specimen of humanity? That you somehow defy all scientific research into nutrition and fitness? That you somehow out gain many of the world best bodybuilders?(many who are on steroids) That you build muscle faster than guys who build muscle for a living, have their diets and routines almost perfected, and have very knowledgeable nutritionists who work with them?

You are somehow this new genetic marvel who can build 20 lbs of muscle in 1 month without steroids? Not buying it dude. And youd be laughed out of any fitness forum with this story.

Lets be real. Thats not 20 lbs of pure muscle you are putting on. But believe what you want, people can say a lot of things on the internet. Ive yet to see any evidence of anyone doing what youve claimed to have done.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Honestly - I dont think i have noticed more or less attention from different changes to my appearance but I have a pretty face....:D

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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I consider freshman and sophomore year of college to be the height of my looks. I was lean five foot nine 150 pounds with a full head of blonde hair. I got approached and asked out by women. Had coworkers ask me out. Had an HB8 coworker get pissed at me because she found out I was talking to someone else. Rejected my friends sisters who wanted me. Had a married neighbor make a pass at me. I'd walk down the street and women would wave at me and honk their horns.

Women would complain to me about creepy ugly guys who were persistent all the while I was mostly quiet and introverted. Mind you, I still got rejected by hotties, but it was easier back then.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
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How about something the majority dont have? A set of perfect white teeth. Sure adding lbs of muscle gets attention but nothing beats a set of perfect pearly whites

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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I lost 20kg from playing sport and got laid more times than I had hard shyts. It was bordering on ridiculous how easy it became.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 22, 2012
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Jaylan said:
You are so full of it. Its IMPOSSIBLE to gain that much muscle in less 6 months, even with steroids.

You guys need to learn the difference between fat and muscle. And also know the affect of water retention on weight. You may think you put on so much muscle so soon, but much of that weight gain is fat and water retention.

There is no reputable scientific info anywhere that says a human can put on that amount of pure muscle in such a short time. Its physically impossible even for skinny hard gainers. You cannot defy human genetics.
FALSE. Judge me all you want but i took a cycle of epistane/hadrol and gained 18 lbs of mass in 4 weeks. Dont believe me? Do it yourself or do some research. And that was an anabolic.

Its all body type. 2lbs a month is realistic, but add supplements and you will notice gains within weeks.

The problem is most dudes cant stay in the gym long enough or dont know how to put mass on. Diet is key, along with hitting all muscke groups, not just chest and biceps