What am i doing wrong????


New Member
Jan 5, 2005
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I am so lost on what has happend to me this week. First situation, i met this girl in a store got her number in 5 minutes. Number was right, i call her up so we can go out. at that time she was having her exams. she said she will like to go out after exams over. FINE with me. Call her up after her exams are done, and she never picks up her phone. Go to her work place. Ask her hows everything. She says she is so busy. I told her that i called and left voicemail. She says she is so busy that she cannot even pickup her phone. Ask her lets go for coffee and she says, she has my number and will call me. Never called me.
Meet another girl who works in store got her number. Her store number she didnt know her cell number. Call her after two days for coffee she says she gets off at 3pm and says to call her at 3pm and we will go from there. Call her around 3pm and she's not picking up her phone, so left Voicemail. Waiting for 30minutes in parking lot for her than i finally, Go to her store and see she is busy with customers. Im hanging out in another store. Receive her phone call where i am? I am speaking with her on the phone and the line gets disconnected. Give her a call back she never picked up her phone, left VM. Call her after 4-5 hours she finally picks up and says something happened and she will call me back today. Its today and still no phone call. Whats going on? It has to be me since both situations have same outcome. What do u think guys?


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Most likely 5hit tests. Also you maybe coming strong at the beginning but going downhill afterwards.

They tell you to call at 3 and you are like a good doggie calling at 3. You don't find them and you are like a stalker hanging around them.

Relax, be cool and demonstrate that you are desirable by not getting so desperate.

If you chase them they run away from you. But if you demonstrate enough value they will chase after you. Truth is that if they are not interested, behaving like a good doggie and as a stalker will not make change their minds.


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
What are you doing wrong, you ask? You don't know when to give up. Don't waste your time if a woman isn't going to give her time to you.

You're waiting for girls outside their work. They ignore your calls and you go to their work. You're like a freaking stalker to them by now. Won't let up. If a girl says she'll do something and she doesn't do it. She's not interested enough to do it. Shit, I know if they told you to call at 3 on the dot, you'd be all over that.

CHILL. If she has your number and caller ID, call her ONCE. No voicemail, no messages. Just ONCE. If she never calls back, screw her and move on. Don't waste time with girls who think YOU are a waste of time.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Go to her work place. Ask her hows everything. She says she is so busy. I told her that i called and left voicemail. She says she is so busy that she cannot even pickup her phone. Ask her lets go for coffee and she says, she has my number and will call me. Never called me.
1.) Going to her workplace when she doesn't call you = stalker behaviour. Don't do this.

2.) That whole "too busy to pick up her phone" is bullsh!t. The fact you were still interested after this to ask her out again is sucker behaviour. Get rid of that.

3.) Don't ask girls out on dates during exam time. It's a really really bad time. Get her number and tell her you'll be busy with exams, but that you'll give her a call afterwards. But don't ask her out during that time, because she honestly doesn't have time for you.

4.) If she wanted to do something at 3pm, she would have suggested to meet up at 3pm. By asking you to call her at 3pm, she was trying to give u a hint she was not interested, while also subconciously testing you to see how interested you are. Calling her when she tells you to call her confirms to her that she has you wrapped around her finger.

NEVER call a girl when SHE tells you to call her. If she wants to talk to you at 3pm, she can CALL YOU. If she says call her at 3pm when she gets off work, call her the next day, or 2 days later. Don't follow her rules, and don't let her actions dictate yours.

You are the guy, you are the one in charge, act that way.


New Member
Jan 5, 2005
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Oh man! I messed up big time! I was dancing to her tunes all along and couldnt even recognize it. I cant believe it. Well the past is the past, time to move on


Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by uturn

Oh man! I messed up big time! I was dancing to her tunes all along and couldnt even recognize it. I cant believe it. Well the past is the past, time to move on
yeah man, dont worry it. use it as a leanring experience.