We're being brainwashed


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
After spending lots of time away from these boards, I hit a really interesting piece of info yesterday. One of my gf's, a solid 8-8.5, mentioned something to the effect that she used to cheat a lot on her old bf. This guy was disgustingly ugly. You DJ's and PUA's would have the rest of us believe that the UG guy is a DJ and has game. Well he doesn't.. he's lonely as we speak. She mentioned that she was only with him because she got so tired of the good looking guys treating her like crap because they can have anyone. So she decided to settle for someone waaay beneath her, so that she could feel secure and stop being mistreated. This makes perfect sense to me. I've heard this exact same reasoning from many different beautiful women. But these boards would have you believe that beautiful women are with ugly men simply because these men have game, as a hopes to motivate and brainwash because most of the people on this board are dorks and losers. There are black and whites to everything, I learned. This board is sometimes too unflexible in its theories, and extremely brainwashing. SOME AFC's DO get lucky. And DJ's aren't only made from skill, they're made from LUCK (#'s game), and sometimes even pity.

DJ Logic

Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score

not much of a revelation here. There are always exceptions to every rule. Anyone who doesn't take the advice given here with a grain of salt is a bloody fool. I have read quite a few of your posts before, you tend to play the devil's advocate and from what I have seen are not very well-liked by alot of members. Please prove me wrong man..I would love to read a brilliant post from you where you actually give helpful advice instead of trying to pick apart everyone else's.

I will give you props on getting away from this site for awhile and getting yourself a little hottie for yourself. Good for you man! Any POSITIVE ideas or advice you would like to share with us? Hmm?

DJ Logic


Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2001
Reaction score
Nottingham, England.
Wow, misplaced anger here dude.

"You DJ's and PUA's would have the rest of us believe that the UG guy is a DJ and has game. Well he doesn't.. he's lonely as we speak."

That's not the only reason that UG's get hot chicks, again much like your insecure GF, they want a bit of security and they can get this off the non-player types.

"One of my gf's, a solid 8-8.5, mentioned something to the effect that she used to cheat a lot on her old bf."

She ADMITTED this?
I would watch your own back with her ;)

"But these boards would have you believe that beautiful women are with ugly men simply because these men have game,"

No the reason that the chick was with an UG is because she is an insecure loser, I sincerely hope you are sorting her out.

"There are black and whites to everything, I learned. This board is sometimes too unflexible in its theories, and extremely brainwashing."

So the board is unflexible because it does not deal in Black and White?
Surely having only 1 way or the other (i.e black and white) is the most Inflexible way to be, that is a contradiction.

There are millions of grey areas with chicks, I agree that the best DJ's need a little luck as well, not every strategy works, when you reach the highest level of Master DJ, you don't need the strategies anymore, and any battles that you don't win - you just chalk 'em down to experience.

Brainwashing - hah!
That's a bit extreme ;)

However, must...send...money....to doc...love.... :D

This ain't a diss vectorz me old china, but writing something like this is a little silly, I believe that the main reason that UG's get with HB's is because they do have some Game, however there are many other reasons as well, we should know by now that their is no such thing as black and white, whether it's women, or certain other political subjects I am now no longer allowed to mention :D

Even if the reason they get laid is because they have been rejected so many times they don't give a **** and they play the numbers game, no room for sensitivity if you are gonna play the game for the numbers. (by that I mean number of women you ask.)

"as a hopes to motivate and brainwash because most of the people on this board are dorks and losers"

Can't say I actually know anyone on the boards outside of sosuave.com, that's quite a sweeping generalisation that you just made!

Take it easy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
First off, nice job calling the majority of us dorks and losers. I'm sure we'll gain something really meaningful from that.
Now secondly, what happened to 'Ug' is that the chick was in a rebound phase. During the rebound phase, self-esteem is lower and people who aren't particularly attractive appear to be more attractive than usual.

AFC's are often times good looking gentlemen-- there is no physical mold of the AFC. Just because Ug got with a hot girl doesn't mean that we all assume he had DJ skills.

This site isn't saying that at all. What it is saying is that if you really try to improve yourself, you don't have to be ugly. You can't change some things, but you can change a lot. Pluck the eyebrows, get a new haircut, work out, get some spiffy, new clothes, etc.
And we aren't being brainwashed. Since coming to this site, my eyes have been opened to BEAUTIFUL women going out with less-than-stellar guys. Why? Well it could be the rebound effect, OR, just maybe, it could be that he is skilled with women and she likes him for it.

Here's a summary when it comes to LOOKS:
1) Women's looks matter more to guys
2) Men's looks matter less to women
3) You can improve your looks.

However, in my eyes, the chick's situation had very little do with "good looking guys treating her like crap" and Ug treating her well. It's more about the chick finding nothing but 2 breeds of crap; the jerk and the AFC.

Why are all of us "dorks and losers" here? We're here to become the new breed-- the great guy.

Don't assume people's beliefs, and put a little more thought into what you write.


( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
So your saying :
SOME AFC's DO get lucky
sure once in a blue moon one may get "lucky"

but i hardly think this UG guy was lucky , she was boning someone else behind his back , she was only with him because she got tired of people she was "actually" attracted too pissing her off and damaging her ego.
Oh and shes no longer with him.

yeah that guy really had it going for him:rolleyes: .


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Duke
Don't assume people's beliefs, and put a little more thought into what you write.

Hypocritical, aren't we? You're assuming the rest of the board has the same mentality as you, and you're also assuming the rest of the board are 'winners' and 'non-losers'. I don't think anyone can argue the fact that 99.9% of the people on here are losers, when it comes to women. That's why they're HERE! Hell, I admit I was a loser (when it comes to women) and in sorts, still am, that's why I come here! Either you suck with women, OR you're good with women but like to get your ego stroked so that's why you're here. Anyone who reads this stuff and walks away from it for awhile will know what I mean. It's extremely brainwashing. The ironic thing is most of it is bullsh1t. 99% of these posts are posted by the same 99% of losers that make up this board to begin with. Regarding thought on writing.. don't think too highly of yourself. I'm not writing a literary piece of art here. Get off your pedestal and take your own advice.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
Didn't you just prove the opposite point?

She said she was cheating a lot on this guy.

The UG nice guy boyfriend gets to be her lap dog, money bag and asexual girlfriend.

In the meantime, she's out fvcking all the jerk guys.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
"Anyone who reads this stuff and walks away from it for awhile will know what I mean. It's extremely brainwashing. The ironic thing is most of it is bullsh1t."

The only way to know if the advice on this site is bull**** or not is to try it out. I'm working on improving myself for now so I have yet to try out a bootcamp or actually work on the techniques with serious effort. For me the jury is still out. You should realize that the techniques talked about on this forum are pretty mixed - different strategies coming from different people and mindsets. But the overall theme is RIGHT ON in my opinion. Improve yourself, be the best you can be, go out and try for what you want, then don't be a needy wuss. Sounds like a good plan to me.

If your point is that everything depends on your looks, I have to disagree. Now, I DO think that looks are very important and I'm not sure that skill will every completely make up for lack of looks. But I'm sure that personality has at least SOME part in the mix.

Also, you get the opinion of ONE woman out of billions, and you suddenly think you have the truth. Interesting.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2003
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
I thought the same thang dog


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by FlyGuy
Also, you get the opinion of ONE woman out of billions, and you suddenly think you have the truth. Interesting.
Uhm.... No. Re-read my post:

Originally posted by Vectorz
I've heard this exact same reasoning from many different beautiful women.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJ Logic

not much of a revelation here. There are always exceptions to every rule. Anyone who doesn't take the advice given here with a grain of salt is a bloody fool. I have read quite a few of your posts before, you tend to play the devil's advocate and from what I have seen are not very well-liked by alot of members. Please prove me wrong man..I would love to read a brilliant post from you where you actually give helpful advice instead of trying to pick apart everyone else's.

I will give you props on getting away from this site for awhile and getting yourself a little hottie for yourself. Good for you man! Any POSITIVE ideas or advice you would like to share with us? Hmm?

DJ Logic
Being liked by members of this community is something I could literally care less about. As I said, 99% of this community consists of liars, exaggeraters, nerds, and dorks. I don't need their acceptance nor anyone else's. Regarding POSITIVE ideas, I think this following post is something I coincidentally learned on my own while taking time away from this b.s. board:


This is all it really takes. All this other garbage spouted on these boards should be ignored, until you have massive game where you can use it for 'honing your skills', weeding out the majority of crap and picking the VERY FEW rare pieces of gold.. Otherwise, 99% of the rest of the community should worry about the basics listed in the URL listed above.

DJ Logic

Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Thank you for sharing that link! Even though I had to verbally *****-slap you to get it out. Now do you see the difference? If your first post would have ended with this link, your responses would be alot different...I know you don't care but maybe you should at least have compassion for us "losers" who have no clue. This site is here for us to share ideas, not ridicule or hoard them. Let us focus on the POSITIVE, my brother!

Havng said that, I do stand corrected on you vectors and look forward to your future posts (as long as they include great links and info like the one above!)




Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by vectorz
Hypocritical, aren't we? You're assuming the rest of the board has the same mentality as you, and you're also assuming the rest of the board are 'winners' and 'non-losers'. I don't think anyone can argue the fact that 99.9% of the people on here are losers, when it comes to women. That's why they're HERE! Hell, I admit I was a loser (when it comes to women) and in sorts, still am, that's why I come here! Either you suck with women, OR you're good with women but like to get your ego stroked so that's why you're here. Anyone who reads this stuff and walks away from it for awhile will know what I mean. It's extremely brainwashing. The ironic thing is most of it is bullsh1t. 99% of these posts are posted by the same 99% of losers that make up this board to begin with. Regarding thought on writing.. don't think too highly of yourself. I'm not writing a literary piece of art here. Get off your pedestal and take your own advice.
Having problems with women doesn't make you a "dork" or "loser". All it means is that you don't handle interactions with women the right way. Saying it my way allows reasoned debate, saying it your way is just flamebait. Especially when it's suspected that you include yourself in the 1% of people who post who aren't losers.

Your one example of a insecure, cheating, user does nothing to disprove anything on this board. No one claimed that every example of an ugly guy with a HB was because he was a DJ. What is claimed is that if you use the methods here instead of what you were raised to believe, you'll be a better and happier person and have more success with women. That's happens to be true. Most of the guys here aren't ugly, and don't see themselves as such. Most describe themselves as average or above average. The problems people post about have a lot more to do with approaching girls and keeping them interested, than overcoming facial deformities. So the knowledge that sometimes a HB dates an ugly guy for security doesn't make a difference in our lives.

Your general attack reads more like a cry for attention than a real critique. If you wanted to accomplish something with your post other than getting attention, you would have listed specifically what methods you disagree with, and how you would do it differently. Nothing else you say can do one thing to help this board. If you know of a better way, tell us all what it is. If you can't think of anything more effective, why take the time to criticize something that is better than anything you can think of?


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Here's a few observations from this thread as well as a general theme I see in vectorz's posting style:

1.) You seem to have this unhealthy obsession with ugly dudes scoring with beautiful women. Every time a UG scores with some HB you feel personally cheated, as if this UG took the HB away from you personally (maybe some of them did). I think we're onto something here. Dude why do you care? Any time any guy hooks up with any chick, he should get a big pat on the back. There's no shortage of chicks out there, so why all the hate? I don't see how being bitter over the sucess of others is going to make you more successful. On the contrary, bitterness usually leads to failure.

2.) If this board it total B.S. and made up of mostly losers, then why do you waste your time posting here? If we are so far beneath you, then what would you have to gain by posting these combative, bitter tirades? Why are you here? Are you here to "de-program" us from all the B.S. "brainwashing" of this site? Are you are saviour? Somehow I don't think your motives are all that altruistic. Are you here to show us your superiority? So far you've shown quite the opposite. You rant and rant and the discussion goes nowhere.

3.) You obviously suffer from major self esteem issues. You only prove that point with every post. We are not your enemies. Why all the anger?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Good link, I like that idea. Its similar to some of the material in the DJ Bible - basically that you need to develop confidence and social skills first. Its not emphasised enough on this site in my opinion (one of the reasons I'm spending so much time working on myself).


Senior Don Juan
Oct 16, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Quick
Your general attack reads more like a cry for attention than a real critique... Nothing else you say can do one thing to help this board. If you know of a better way, tell us all what it is. If you can't think of anything more effective, why take the time to criticize something that is better than anything you can think of?
Sure it can.. it helps out people who are addicted to the board, and hang on all the theories taught by it, like I had in the past. Wasted soooo much of my time, and hopefully the others that read this will take it in mind and stop wasting theirs.

Regarding 'need for attention'. Please, spare me. This is exactly what I'm talking about. All the losers on the board think they're psychologists for crying out loud. Stop guessing, my friend. Stop thinking what you think I'm thinking. Get over yourself.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Uhm.... No. Re-read my post: I've heard this exact same reasoning from many different beautiful women.
So you don't think an average or ugly guy can EVER find a good looking woman that will genuinely like him?