Went clubbing Direct method!


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2002
Reaction score
I always do day game as I find that is no competition but I decided to not excuse myself and go for club!!

I enter club with fear yea im alone and who cares!

I go and stay on a place check girls and finally 2 girls 1 guy comes to the bar... the guy looks like a mafia or something!! he has 2 SHB10.0 I mean this girls were soooo HOOOTTTT that the girls on the DVD look like 5.0 The girls look scary impossible!

They look like high class hookers!!!! "my mind trying sabotage me!" the barman says they are hookers he bets! "his mind sabotaged himself!"

I waited and boom booom BOOM BOOM MY HEART!!! the blonde was alone and I went for her... didnt ask her to dance-..... I said_:

You look beautiful I would like to meet you... she smiles OMG! shes hotter at 1 feet away! we talk a little and she says Andres Cuervo right? I say yea <--- WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? IS THAT GOOD???

I f*ck it up with my talking she looses interest! then I stay and HB #2 comes and sits.... OMG she is perfect even hotter... she smiles really nice to me... and says HI

I take her to dance I say: you have a magical smile you make me feel very good inside!! she is really happy and asks me why im alone... I say: cause I came to meet you!!!

she smiles we talk make good rapport... shes like 1/2 feet away-... i didnt kiss her!!! dammit! I couldnt isolate!!! how to? there is something wrong with my rapport skills Im getting really good but then i f*ck it up ! I leave her eject--- and sit... approached another... and got heavy.... when I tell her I like women with nice ass and with tiny underwear she says.... I DONT HAVE ANY UNDERWEAR <----- again this is GOOD OR BAD??? she is leaving she is with group! she says she cant stay! man

how to make girls stay that are with groups when they leaving?? she give me #

I go back to the SHB and get her #--- other guys also did after they saw me approach this hotties the get courage and ask them to dance + ask them for their # she says: but call me!

hmmm thing could be improved but hey :





Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Nice! I will trying direct approaches in the near future. How old are you? A old DJ I know,40, goes to clubs alone with success. He in a LTR with a chick he met there. I notice at the clubs here for the younger crowd,18-21,no one comes alone. Did you establish eye contact with the first HB you approached before you direct approached her?

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
NO, NO, NO!!!

You need to open with opinion openers, about who lies more, or if she thinks David Bowie is hot, and complimenting women is strictly an AFC move!

Then, you should have "Negged" her, then turned your back on her.

After that, while transitioning between A3 and C1, you should have micro-calibrated her reactions to your sub-communications, and followed it up with "The Cube" follwed by another back turn.

After all, you don't want to sub-communicate interest, as that will label you and AFC and ruin *all* your chances.

And remember, you can never do too many backturns, as that will sub-communicate that you are not interested in her, which will cause her buying temperature to spike.

Now, throw in another "Neg" for good measure. All good PUA's do it, so you should too!

By now, she should be dripping wet, but don't ask directly for her phone number!!! Again, that would sub-communicate interest, which we all know *kills* attraction.

If she wants you to kiss her, don't do it!!! Again, you don't want to sub-communicate interest.

At this point, you should throw a few more negs her way, along with another back turn or two, just for good measure.

Remember, you don't want to be like every other afc out there who asks for her phone number.


Of course, the above was satire, but sadly, an editorial on how screwed up the seduction community has become.

Meeting and picking up women isn't that complicated. In fact, it's quite easy once you unlearn a lot of the BS that slick marketers have brainwashed many aspiring PUA's with, and that is designed for them to fail, or to only have modest success, so they keep coming back and buying more seduction products and attending more Seminars and Boot Camps.

Be a Man. Be Confident. Have the strongest frame. Don't hide your natural desires/interest.

A Man and a Woman getting together is the most natural thing in the world.
Overplaying your hand, overanalyzing, overthinking, and complicating things will not help you achive your goal.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Derek Flint said:
NO, NO, NO!!!

You need to open with opinion openers, about who lies more, or if she thinks David Bowie is hot, and complimenting women is strictly an AFC move!

Then, you should have "Negged" her, then turned your back on her.

After that, while transitioning between A3 and C1, you should have micro-calibrated her reactions to your sub-communications, and followed it up with "The Cube" follwed by another back turn.

After all, you don't want to sub-communicate interest, as that will label you and AFC and ruin *all* your chances.

And remember, you can never do too many backturns, as that will sub-communicate that you are not interested in her, which will cause her buying temperature to spike.

Now, throw in another "Neg" for good measure. All good PUA's do it, so you should too!

By now, she should be dripping wet, but don't ask directly for her phone number!!! Again, that would sub-communicate interest, which we all know *kills* attraction.

If she wants you to kiss her, don't do it!!! Again, you don't want to sub-communicate interest.

At this point, you should throw a few more negs her way, along with another back turn or two, just for good measure.

Remember, you don't want to be like every other afc out there who asks for her phone number.


Of course, the above was satire, but sadly, an editorial on how screwed up the seduction community has become.

Meeting and picking up women isn't that complicated. In fact, it's quite easy once you unlearn a lot of the BS that slick marketers have brainwashed many aspiring PUA's with, and that is designed for them to fail, or to only have modest success, so they keep coming back and buying more seduction products and attending more Seminars and Boot Camps.

Be a Man. Be Confident. Have the strongest frame. Don't hide your natural desires/interest.

A Man and a Woman getting together is the most natural thing in the world.
Overplaying your hand, overanalyzing, overthinking, and complicating things will not help you achive your goal.
Very nice post and totally spot on.

Dating gurus and other stuff can actually HARM your game.

If your getting success dont read Gurus stuff, your already doing ok.

But saying that the dating gurus stuff is great for Mental framing which tbh is the biggest block men have.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
thats true. Dating gurus do harm your game. the results you get in out in the field are your "true teachers", not the gurus. If you find that your getting success, be it complimenting or whatever, then you need to keep doing it. ITS WORKING!!!! success is god/natures way of saying "keep doing what you are doing". failure is gods way of saying "dont do that".

you got it right. keep doing what works for you. most gurus are full of sh*t anyway.


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2002
Reaction score
thank you for the nice posts... I actually feel weird having success and when I post it ppl telling me im Bull****ting them... "need camera ASAP"

Anyway... I dont think it matter if you make eye contact or not... what is important is that she sees you coming to her so she can prepare and not feel freaked out! also if you make eye contact and make eye and again and again! then she will discard you...

Derek is right on the money is the most natural thing yet we make it soo unnatural!

Andres Cuervo.