

Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
This might seem like a weird thing, but I'll just give it a try.

After doing courses by correspondence for two years, I'm back in public high school. It feels really good. The two years I took off gave me a lot of my confidence back that I lost at this other school I went to. Anyways. In my chemistry class, I sit in the middle of the classroom. Gradually, I have been getting more and more isolated amidst a sea of girls - some really hot ones too! They all really seem to like me, do the normal flirting things, but it's almost kind of annoying to be surrounded by this female attention all the time. In fact it's like that in one of my other classes too. I don't want to seem like a **** about it but I sometimes have to be a little on the blunt side with them just so I can get back to work or move on to the next class. There have been times where I'm just all of a sudden swarmed by girls when the bell rings.

Attention is nice, and it feels good to feel so well-liked, but it's a little much sometimes. How do I remove myself from some of these situations without seeming like a loser and a turn-off?

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
Mr. Guido,

As a young man who's IN DEMAND, recognize that that means YOU are also the one that's IN CONTROL. Whenever you have a fan club of girls developing around you, know that as the one who is in control, YOU should immediately assume that leadership position and steer their behavior in the direction that you want.

All conversations require a two-way exchange. Start tapering off on the responses that you give to them. Don't be rude, but just ALWAYS say less to them than what they say to you. If they 3 LOUD jokes, you crack 2 "quieter" jokes. If they flirt with you verbally twice, you flirt back with them nonverbally once. Continue to lead these girls to mirror your more subtle behavior until you ultimately get them to shut the hell up for most of your class time.

Then, "reward" the most attractive girls by setting up some "after class" meetups with them (if you wish).

But the take home message is for you to STOP allowing yourself to be drawn into their behavior------instead, LEAD them to start mirroring the way that YOU behave in class. The ones who follow your lead----reward with your attention AFTER class. Those who DON'T follow your lead------deny them your attention.

The smarter ones will eventually recognize how they MUST choose to behave to be around "you"------------the new, BMOC (Big Man on Campus).

Soldier on.



Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
No place like Nebraska
damn i wish i had your problem haha


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
V.U, thank you very much for your insightful comment. If I'm in demand, I'm in control - I'll remember that for next week! There are a couple of them that are definitely worth exploring but I'll have to reward them the time ;)

Thanks again :D