Well, paper beats rock, I guess...


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina

Okay, here's the backstory before you guys go any further http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=91143

Okay, so there's that. This is the problem .

She apparently hangs out with him tonight at another friends girlfriend's birthday party. He's good friends with the two throwing the party... She calls me from there when this guy and other people go outside for a cig... She talks trying to get me to say something about her and this guy, but, holding my balls firmly in place, I joke around the issue...

She abruptly hangs up telling me she'll call me later...this is at about midnight...

She just called me (it is now 5:30am) and told me that her and this guy f*ck*d in the parking lot where ALL 3 OF US work. Without a condom, she says... She apparently knows that I like her (not my fault, I promise...), so why the hell is she telling me this stuff?!?

And to explain my title, she told me that they played paper, rocks, scissor before they boned...and that was the only thing I could say...she laughed, though...

Honestly, everyone who reads this, help...


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
So you are pissed because she f*cked her bf?

She is using you for attention, maybe she gets off making you jealous.

She is a f*cking *****. Do not waste another second on her.

I personally would have gone 'uhuh good for ya', and then f*cked one of her girl friends up the ass. But hey, that's just me.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Bro send her packin' she is ****ing with you big style... Yea so she might be cute and you like her but I bet there are hotter girls at your work/social gatherings that you could have more fun with. Tell ya the truth the same **** happened to me with a girl not long ago, she went as far as kissing a guy right in front of me and then having the nerve to tell me she loved me as I was leaving the joint.

**** em bro she will just crush your ego, go out and **** some girls then call her up that night and tell her how your ****ed em like she did. If you wanna **** this girl being a nice guy is gonna get you no where, show the least possible denominator of attraction screw around with other girls and before you know it she will probably be at your doorstop crying and wanting you to **** her, weather you do or don't it becomes solely your choice.

One thing ill never understand about people is how they will be able to put up with so much **** from girls just to get *****… Basic my advice is, go out enjoy your life and forget about her cause if you do hook up with her;

A) She cheated on her BF with the guy at work and who says he won't do it with you

B) She sounds like a classic attention *****

C) Her BF is a ****ing marine

Soo stop thinking about her get a hobby (maybe self defense classes ^^) and go have some fun cause life is way too ****ing shot to be wastein' with an Attention *****

