"This is probably the only time I'll ever disagree with KontrollerX."
Unfortunate but I can respect your disagreement.
"I'd be willing to bet she didn't trick him into sticking his **** in her. He did it on his own free will, albeit irresponsibly, and if she's choosing to keep it there's little he can do except man up and be a good father to this kid."
The problem with a lot of guys today AFC's and DJ's included is many men have been brainwashed into a knee jerk reaction by the feminists when it comes to things like this.
I'll try to explain the best I can so bear with me...
Guys have this societal enforced programmed automatic reaction that once a girl gets pregnant oh thats suddenly his responsibility and he better man up and take care of his kid ie this is the knee jerk reaction and the feminists love that they have you all brainwashed so thoroughly on this.
This is misplaced empathy, misplaced caring, and misplaced morals when in reality all you agreed to, all you signed up for, all that you wanted was to have a pleasurable sexual experience with a woman that you were currently attracted to and nothing else.
Unless you outright said you wanted to be a daddy before the act you are not morally obligated or responsible to be a father to the child of a woman who callously and deceitfully tricks you into getting her pregnant under the guise of oh its just sex we're just having fun and I have no hidden agenda to keep a child should I get preggos.
The courts and society believe differently of course and so they legislate their morality onto you with harsh penalties and peer pressure that you are scum if you don't toe the line and go along with what "the man" thinks you should do.
So even though you are a DJ in that still lingering AFC awe shucks part of your brain you say to yourself dawgonnit I better raise my kids, I won't be a real man if I don't.
But instead I say to you that until you are given a fair and equal say over pregnancy and a child of yours by law of whether to abort it, adopt it, or give up all rights to it to free you from paying child support you need to speak up and demand this justice and as long as there is no fair and equal justice surrounding this matter you should do everything in your power to frustrate the unfair treatment the courts and society wish to push upon you.
If you did not want to be a daddy before getting a woman pregnant odds are you don't want to be a daddy after getting the woman pregnant either but you cave in to the brainwashing, expectations and legal pressures because thats the easy thing to do, the thing you are programmed to do, the thing you have been made to believe is the right thing to do but in reality the right thing to do is to fight for equal rights and stand up like a man and do what you want to do.
If you don't want that kid or that woman in your life any more do everything you can to frustrate her trying to steal money from you by getting a low paying job for her to syphon from.
If you do want to raise the kid as you've suddenly fallen in love with the idea of being a father all on your own then do so but also fight for more of a say through activism in the men's movement surrounding pregnancy and your rights over your own child of whether to terminate the pregnancy or just sign away your rights entirely and give it to the woman which means you are no longer legally considered the father and thus not forced to pay. Fight for those rights.
Guys stupidly say because they are programmed to do so "well by sticking his meatwhistle in the girl he needs to take responsibility and be daddy" and I say no unless he expressley made it clear he wanted to be a father before the act then all he signed up for was a pleasurable experience not father hood.
The acceptance crowd would also probably be happy if someone who got a cureable STD would also just accept that and never get treatment for that.
As after all keeping the STD to them is "being responsible for your actions" just like playing daddy to a child you didn't want or ask for is.
What a crock.