So I get a random call tonight from a blocked number, picked it up and it was a chick that said we were talking at a party on friday night. At first I told her I didn't remember but finally did after about 20 seconds or so and told her yeah I remembered her. She said she wanted to hang out with me again sometime and gave me number and that she had to go and give her a call later tonight (it sounded like she was at work or something).
At first I was a bit supicious at the fact that she was calling me from a blocked number and that she had to go really quickly without even chatting for a few mins, but I went ahead and caller her later tonight anyway.
It was some guy's number.
Now, this girl was hot, at least a HB8, maybe HB9, so I was quite dissapointed and that kick in the nuts still stings a little. I called up my friend that threw the party and asked about this girl and if he gave her my number or if anybody else did (I didn't giver her my number).
My friend said don't worry about it I probably just wrote down the wrong phone number and that I'll see her a party this weekend (she comes to his parties every now and then and I've seen her a few times before). I told him I'm a little more skepetical and I think someone was ****ing with me or something altough I don't see the purpose of getting me to call some random guy if that was her intention.
There IS this one chick I know that might have given her my phone number. So I need some advice on how to proceed without looking AFC.
Assuming this isn't some kind of prank:
1. Do I ask the chick who I think gave her my phone number if she indeed gave her my phone number and to ask her to call me back cause I wrote down the wrong phone number? This might make me look AFC and that I am trying to hard, wont it? But at the same time I don't want to make it seem like im not interested because I definately am.
2. If I don't call her back for a few days (because I have the wrong number aparently), do you think she will try to contact me again or will she think im not interested in her?
3. If I do see her at a party this weekend, do I say nothing about it or apologize for not calling her back?
In general, how do I approach this situation? Do I need to leave it alone? It is **VERY** rare for a HB (or women in general) to be interested in me. Infact I haven't had a date in 3 months and haven't had a gf in 7 months. These opprotunities (if infact it is one) don't come along often so I need the best advice I can get.
At first I was a bit supicious at the fact that she was calling me from a blocked number and that she had to go really quickly without even chatting for a few mins, but I went ahead and caller her later tonight anyway.
It was some guy's number.
Now, this girl was hot, at least a HB8, maybe HB9, so I was quite dissapointed and that kick in the nuts still stings a little. I called up my friend that threw the party and asked about this girl and if he gave her my number or if anybody else did (I didn't giver her my number).
My friend said don't worry about it I probably just wrote down the wrong phone number and that I'll see her a party this weekend (she comes to his parties every now and then and I've seen her a few times before). I told him I'm a little more skepetical and I think someone was ****ing with me or something altough I don't see the purpose of getting me to call some random guy if that was her intention.
There IS this one chick I know that might have given her my phone number. So I need some advice on how to proceed without looking AFC.
Assuming this isn't some kind of prank:
1. Do I ask the chick who I think gave her my phone number if she indeed gave her my phone number and to ask her to call me back cause I wrote down the wrong phone number? This might make me look AFC and that I am trying to hard, wont it? But at the same time I don't want to make it seem like im not interested because I definately am.
2. If I don't call her back for a few days (because I have the wrong number aparently), do you think she will try to contact me again or will she think im not interested in her?
3. If I do see her at a party this weekend, do I say nothing about it or apologize for not calling her back?
In general, how do I approach this situation? Do I need to leave it alone? It is **VERY** rare for a HB (or women in general) to be interested in me. Infact I haven't had a date in 3 months and haven't had a gf in 7 months. These opprotunities (if infact it is one) don't come along often so I need the best advice I can get.