

Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2006
Reaction score
yesterday i was looking good, gelled hair nice shirt to the gym..and the girl of my dreams was giving me ios, even waited until i finished my workout to see if i'd talk to her..

i chickened out yesterday, but today i see her in the gym but i m not looking my I approach w/o IO and get a short convo..i dont feel alot of interest on her part,

but she rejects me after 1-2 min convo and i ask for email. 'tells me i have a bf' when yesterday she was giving me mad IOIs..

i still am going to try to talk to her more next time and ask again bc i frankly really like her looks. I think that was too soon to ask her but it confuses me when 1 day shes totally in to you and the next day..shes wasn't 'not totally against me' its just that

she was looking at me again when i walked away like ...she was attracted to me.. i dont know
guys i probably screwed up the approach i should have talke d more

any opinions ?


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I think a lot of this has to do with the way you went about picking her up. She may have given you IOIs, but that just means she found you attractive or interesting. That doesn't mean that she doesn't think her boyfriend is MORE attractive or interesting.

It sounds like you may have raised her defenses with your approach. You might want to use a little more active disinterest next time so as not to scare her off. The "I have a boyfriend" defense is a hard one to get past once it's been dropped. Next time you see her at the gym, maybe you should try asking her to join you for a smoothie or something if your gym has a bar there. Something you can do together, in the gym, which is actually like a date, just so you can establish some rapport with her. After that, she may open up and give you her email or number.

I just posted a thread on my blog about tactics to pick up women at the gym you should definitely check out:

How To Pick Up Women At The Gym Successfully

Hope that helps,



Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2006
Reaction score
basically i'd like to try and talk with her again, what choice do I have ? hehehe this time chat it up for more minutes hehe