Weird situation with girl at work, need advice, badly.


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
I really like this chick from work, but she is straight from China, so I’m not too familiar with their culture. Well I told her in a conversation that I was getting a pass to 24hr fitness, she got one a few days later and asked me to go with her. Hey, she is interested, right? I also heard stories on how she talks about me a lot, all positive things. Well we went to the gym after work, for some reason I told her that I wasn’t interested in anyone at work (dumb mistake, not sure why I did that), she then changed her whole attitude. She automatically started talking about if I want to try dating her friends, she did not sound genuine about it. I think she was using this tactic, because I somehow subliminally told her I wasn’t interested in her, but I am.

I’ve used this tactic too, after getting rejected. Basically I did it because I wanted to pay it off, as if I was not interested in the first place. Catch my drift?

Anyway, I want to tell her how I feel and possibly date her. She is single. If I get rejected then I will look like a loser on trying to get with her friends. Plus we plan to go to the gym with each other 3 times a week, which will be really awkward. What should I do fellas?
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Just email her at work and say "We definetly have alot in common we should hang out sometime".. Then when she says it's cool set up a date!

This worked for me recently.

EDIT nevermind, I replied before I finished your whole post i see you already went out.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Always pursue a girl who you fancy, romantically! Don't beat around the bush!