Weird question...


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Is it bad taste to have wallpapers of girls in bikinis on the computer when having a girl over? I dont even know why I think like this and I re-read my question and it just sounds plain stupid. But I cant help but ask if this is bad taste??

I mean, if we go by pook...they should feel inferior to the hawt b*tches on my desktop and try to put me in a cage as fast as possible yes?


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
Gameness said:
Is it bad taste to have wallpapers of girls in bikinis on the computer when having a girl over? I dont even know why I think like this and I re-read my question and it just sounds plain stupid. But I cant help but ask if this is bad taste??

I mean, if we go by pook...they should feel inferior to the hawt b*tches on my desktop and try to put me in a cage as fast as possible yes?
I think it can go both ways, but it definitely is something infers two things: one , that you are interested in sex, and two, you most likely masturbate a lot.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
You are thinking like a nice guy and you need to snap out of it. Are you going to change your wallpaper to carebears and puppies now or what? don't be such a wimp!

Keep the wallpaper there. The reason being that it shows you like women/have adult interests/makes you seem more of a sexual being/makes you seem like you have an edge to you. Look at it this way. Who do you think will seem to a woman as more of a guy that is likely to be sexual? the guy with hot girls on bikinis on his wallpaper or the guy that has a wallpaper of some video game on there?

I remember how I used to seat behind this douchebag in class who came to class with a hangover almost every class. His whole look and attitude reeked of douchebag. He had a big o laptop with very provocative women on it with little clothes on. I thought to myself what girl would go out with a guy like this that is late to every class, looks like the perfect image of a hangover, has practically naked women on his laptop wallpaper and acts like if he were high all the time.

Right before my very eyes 1 time I saw him started talking to the hottest girl in class who sat close and he walked right out with her in the middle of the class. Same guy with the laptop wallpaper of women with little clothes on that would make a mother blush.

Don't forget that whatever you think is logical to do with a woman the opposite is likely to be the truth. That's how women are.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Espi said:
Please yourself before you worry about pleasing others. For every girl who considers the image "distasteful", there are 100 who will love it...but the woman's opinion about the pic shouldn't matter...if YOU like the pic, keep it--and don't apologize for it. Be proud of it.

Excellent post, f28300 as well. This is what I was thinking at first, that why would I care? But sometimes the little leftover AFC's in all of us tries to revolt against the man.

BTW here's the wallpaper (worth the click):