Weird Pickup at a Party! - PosItBoy Introduction


New Member
Nov 9, 2006
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Howdy folks, Just registered for this forum, so im fresh around here. Thought about writing a story for an introduction, mainly because i hate introductions :p

So my band just finished a show and im at the afterparty which took place in a buddys house. I have recently been reading up on different PUA's and their material, and I was on a very large rush from the concert so I thought, eh, what the heck, and took a shot at a 3 set. 2 russian 7's and an 8. I figured I was already sitting well with them, remember, they came to see my band, but i hadn't ever talked to them before, this is new to me. I approached them and chose my target, the 8. I was doing a good job of winning over her friends while negging her and even through a few shotgun negs for fun. I made sure to give myself a time constraint, saying i had to get back to the party. Turns out they all came with me. We went in, mingled...and now i was giving the 8 some more attention. Pizza came! She fed me!! IOI??? i took it as one, anyways, a weird thing happend just then. My 8 left to talk to a friend and i was just relaxing, i figured after all the IOI's i was getting from her, she'd come back. As im thinking that, her russian friends sits next to me and basically throws herself at me...well...needless to say it took only a few minutes of game to get a number and kiss-close her...but my target vanished!! what did i do wrong? did i settle? was it a **** test that i failed?

- PostItBoy

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Could of been all sorts of things. What you need to know is when your in front of all those people your conveying your personality. That scene is way in your favor and your on the right track, just keep doing what your doing.