Weird indecisive behavior from HB

The LadyKiller

Senior Don Juan
Oct 5, 2011
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A HB I know through friends in my social circle is either very indecisive or is a master at playing mind games.

I figured this HB was uninterested. While we get along well, we only hang out in group settings, it usually takes a little while to get her going conversation-wise, she waits about 2 hours to text me back unless it's urgent, and I wind up initiating at least 90% of the time. At the same time, HB also exhibits some behaviors that very much conflict with what I previously mentioned.

The basic ones are her laughing at most of my jokes and actively contributing to the conversation (once she gets going). The intermediate ones are that she's not afraid to bust chops when we banter and that I can usually get her to go along with something (at parties, we play on the same drinking team). The big conflicting behavior?

She keeps tabs on me. HB recently slipped while we were "arguing" (teasing) and said she reads anything I tweet or post on social media. However, she's mentioned reading my tweets/posts a few more times this past week - citing particular examples - so this was not an innocent slip. There are times I tweet/post to her, and she responds in person the next day instead of on the site. While I laugh it off and joke that I'm glad to keep her entertained, I feel there is some hidden message she's trying to convey. She also appears to know or at least remember my work schedule in terms of when my day ends. Most uninterested HBs tend to not care. In short, it looks like HB is watching me more than I think.

While HB is a normal, cool chick, this is some odd behavior. Anyone want to take a guess as to what's going on? What it always comes back to for me is, "Why is a HB who shows signs of disinterest so curious about what I'm up to?" If it helps, she broke up with her bf of several years about 5-6 months ago, and we have very similar personalities (only big difference is I'm really outgoing and she's considerably less). This has essentially turned into a battle of wits, as we both want to be the smarter one in the room.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2015
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Sounds like a friend in need of attention. That is mostly what I'd think of it. All of these small things, like joining your team, could mean she sees the potential friend within in you and wants to speed up the process. The other small things might just be to get abit of attention, due to not being in a relationship anymore. Either way, the easiest thing to do is test her in some subtle way. You might already have thought of something, don't be afraid to try. You get tested by alot of female friends all the time, so don't feel bad doing it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Its your lucky day ladykiller

i have a chick on my radar that virtually mirrors yours identically

mine is one of my social circles too and I’ve tried every angle you could possibly imagine to try and get her into bed , and despite her admitting she wants to fvck me to one of our mutual friends she refuses to act upon it

My diagnosis is that these types of chicks are a lot cleverer than you give them credit ,

because i am part of the same social circle she’s knows I’m not going anywhere any time soon this allows her to keep an eye on me and put me on the “backburner” so to speak

this lets her screw guys outside of the circle whilst investing very little in me because she’s going to see me anyway

saying that she also knows I’m a high quality guy and when she finds out ive been screwing other girls she will bend over backwards to find out the whole story

( ive seen this firsthand)

lately I came to realise that i was wasting valuable game time on this chick and that is ultimately what she wanted , she craved the attention

I weighed my options up and after quickly deciding she wasn’t actually worth getting hung up on......i decided to take a break from the entire circle

I dont think shes realised yet , but im hoping when she sees im not at the next group event its going to stir some emotion up which i can use as leverage for her *****

Until then ive got other plates to keep me entertained

Good luck !

The LadyKiller

Senior Don Juan
Oct 5, 2011
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Interesting. Bingo-Player it's crazy that the HB could be interested in you, but was MORE interested in the attention. Funny how they sabotage their chances. It is also fortunate that my close friends don't know HB really well either, so when I take a break, we won't be running into her entourage. Of course we live in a small town, so who really knows.

Keiz - seems logical, but she has plenty of friends. She has a group of guy orbiters who are somehow intimidated by her (she's a 7.5 who isn't the smoothest flirt, not a 10 who is a tease). What makes the situation comical is I am not at all "scared" of her, and rather upfront about it. When HB attempts to create drama, I literally laugh because I see through her games.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
It has to be said that there is a lot of over-thinking going on here.

Re-read all this nonsense about your social network activity, responses to texts etc. from the point of view of a third party. You might find yourself asking, 'WHO CARES?'. All this electronic activity is SO blue-pill it cannot possibly be quantified.

Ask yourself if you are having a relationship with a profile or a human being. Why are you bothering with all this electronic exchange? What does it give to your inter-PERSONAL relationship? Mark my words, she will likely have forgotten your next text, tweet, posting within the next 48hours, or week at the most. These things have little or no lasting impact because the are so commonplace.

What she will remember is the REAL LIFE experience(s) you give her not some lame, half-boiled joke on twitter. As I have said, time over, electronic communication is for making real life arrangements ONLY.

As far as decision-making goes, YOU are the one that leads. Her only decision should ever be weather she agree to your plan or not.

NB: If she's just out of a LTR of that length, you have to be aware of her rebounding. Which she WILL be. Don't expect too much too early on. In fact don't expect too much, full stop.