Whenever they say always I say always? Like we've been doing it for 1000 years? that' immediately gets them questioning themselves.
If they say yes like 1000 years you can have fun with it. Say ... cool, if you've been doing something for 1000 years I can make some money selling you to a Museum
However because all women are opportunist always on the lookout for a better deal they love having options. So if they disagree with a plan I always have a fallback option.
Just frame it as well I'd like to go see the blAh. So basically you've got two things you want to do. If she doesn't like that say no worries we'll catch up another time.
If she doesn't like the plan and then whinges later tell her she's an adult she's allowed to speak up. Unfortunately modern Society teaches women that they don't have to moderate their moods. There will always be a beta male nearby to eat up all the crap she can dish. Now she wouldn't be saying that sort of thing to a boss would she.