Way to ask girl out?


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score

Ive got a bit of situation with this girl that Im really into but haven't got a definate answer out of her yet. This girl has been single since the new year and Ive been friends with her since last year but I decided to swallow my pride last week and get flirty with her. She has been mentioning that this bloke she knows has been sending text messages that are pretty dirty. Anyway I heard that if she does this she is kinda trying to make you jealous which she did actually ask me in a teasing kinda way.

I got quite flirty at start and she didn’t reply back to it too much, but then I sort of hinted I was chatting her up. She replied back saying “I thought you didn’t like me like that” and I said, “well Ill have to make sure you know it one of the days” indicating I want to see her at the weekend. So I asked if she was free at the weekend and she said she might be but she will let me know.

Along comes Saturday and I text her what she doing, she said she doing some things. I thought damn, game is lost but then she offered me to come round her house for an hour or so??!! I don’t know if shes still treating me as a friend but I decided not to go as I have more important things to do than spend an hour there and then get practically kicked out lol. She text me a few times saying “you sure you don’t want to come round” then suddenly stopped texting and didn’t speak to me at all the rest of the weekend.

I saw her today round work (yeah I know ‘don’t dip ya pen…) and she didn’t speak to me at all hardly. I thought, damn what have I done but then spoke to her on msn in the evening and she said “hiya, I didn’t speak to you much today”. I had some general banter and she didn’t message for ages then said she had forgot I was online.

Ive decided that I need a yes or no answer out of her because im bored of just “wondering”. So im gonna ask her tomorrow if she wants to go out at the weekend but Im stumped for ideas or the ways to ask her. I wanna ask her as if I am being deadly serious because I have a 50% feeling she thought I was joking when I flirted with her. What way would you guys ask her out that makes it sounds like game on? If I just asked her “do you want to goto cinema on sat” it sounds like friends just going to the cinema then if I lay the moves, could turn nasty. Id rather her say no when I ask her the question because she knows im trying to get with her. Lol how would you go about it?


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
I'd try to make the evening sound as date'ish as possible. Maybe something like: "Hey, do you want to have dinner with me at (name date restaurant) this Saturday?" If she says anything besides "sure", "ok", or "yes", drop her like a bad habit. From what you've posted, it sounds like she is trying to distance herself from you because she's not into you in that way. However, it is worth one more shot. Good luck.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
u're probably confusing the poor girl. first u were friends for the longest, then u just bust out with the flirting. so she's thinking, "maybe this could be something..." and she invited u over. u didnt come, so she's like wtf. then maybe she decided to give u another chance, and test u, by showing up at your work. u didnt go for it so she was thinking, "well fine then". she ignored u online cuz she was probably just too confused about u to deal with u.

and hell, after typing that, i am too. lol.

anyway, if u want a concrete answer, u have to be firm about it. dont beat around the bush, just straight up ask her.

we all know that its great to throw on a little mystery regarding your feelings towards her, so she's just not quite sure. but dont confuse the girl to the point where she doesnt care to figure it out anymore. i hope that isnt what happened here. good luck buddy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ace of Flames
u're probably confusing the poor girl. first u were friends for the longest, then u just bust out with the flirting. so she's thinking, "maybe this could be something..." and she invited u over. u didnt come, so she's like wtf.
If she really wanted him to come over, she wouldn't say that she's busy doing things but he could stop over for an hour or so. She would have dropped whatever she was doing and made time for him.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Originally posted by xblitz44x
If she really wanted him to come over, she wouldn't say that she's busy doing things but he could stop over for an hour or so. She would have dropped whatever she was doing and made time for him.
keep in mind, she wasnt totally sure about it. if she really wanted to be around him, she would've said yes to the date, hehe. maybe she wanted to see how it goes, and she invited him over for a bit. and besides, people have obligations. they cant just drop stuff all the time. maybe something with her parents, or she had to leave someplace. be realistic.


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
thanks for the replies guys, good thoughts.

I have proberly confused her a little which is why I think, she things Im joking.

spot on about the making the evening type question. That should work good, if I indicate that i want to make an evening with her, hopefully she will get the idea.

Unfortunatly i don't think this girl is into dinners or anything remotely like that. Shes a bit of a rebel but has a good heart.

Im thinking of kicking off a convo with her and saying "how about we goto the cinema in the evening then make a night of it" hopefully thats gonna sound fun because we'll go out to a pub or something after the cinema then take it from there. hopefully that shows my intentions.

im pretty positive if she says no this time round then its done for becuase i do genuinely believe she was busy last week but if she is again then ill know for sure.

the only problem is, the only way i will be able to isolate her in the week to make plans is by msn or phone. I won't be able to tell her straight up face to face becuase she will be with people all the time when i see her. :down: reckon i should do it on the phone or that not a good way?

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
just like flag her down and motion for her to come over. girls are curious, she should be there before long.

there's your isolation. now just take the opportunity!


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
lol ill see, if i flag her down when other people are there its gonna kinda look odd i reckon.

might just message her on the phone or something to come outside or something :)

well time to swallow my pride once again and go for it tomorow

cheers for the advise :woo: