Watching Blueprint Decoded...not impressed


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
I just watched the Blueprint and to tell you the truth I was not overly impressed. Everyone is saying that this is the best product but I just didn't see that. I mean probably its because I watched Flawless Natural first and then this but I also realize that the blueprint just makes some of the stuff confusing by using big words. Don't get me wrong some of these stuff was great like the first dvd with social conditioning and being unreactive to stuff but that really it. I wasn't able to watch 4 pillars of reality because when i downloaded the torrent, some of the parts just cut off. If you guys could tell me about what he says about how people should act, that would be great. Anyways, I just wanted to know your opinions about this becasue to tell you the truth I believe Tim's Flawless Natural stuff is so easy to comprehend and he talks about the main points for having inner game and not need to say it in 19 dvds, which I think was ridiculous. A lot of Tyler's stuff could be explained in just 3 dvds and I got bored at listening to some of the stuff as well. Overall I thought this was a good product even though 4 days of this stuff wasn't necessary. I right now printed out notes from this because I feel like some of the stuff i will forget lol.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
watch it again.. there's some much value in the program.. No way he could get it all onto 3 dvd's.
He talks about the pillars of strong identity

1. Know who you are
2. Know your values
3. Knows your personal boundaries
4. Know how you expect people how to act

Those four are the foundation of a strong reality.