Hey guys,
I really don't know what I should do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Heres some background. I am a college student. I met this girl last saturday night at a swing dance at school. We danced about the whole time, and I left with her number.
I called her Monday, and we went out tuesday night. We had a great date, but I only did a little kino and no kiss.
Fast forward, last night we went out and saw a movie, Bruce Almighty, then we went to a party she was invited to and said I could go to. It went ok at the movie, and then we met up with two of her old high school freinds. While walking to the party, somehow the convo got to her talking about seeing those two guys as boyfreinds. She said she could never picture it, she knew them way too well. She said it would be like brothers.
Next stop, party. I didn't drink until she did, not know how she was about it. She was just sitting around with her two high school freinds not doing much, so I thought, "ok im gonna have some fun"
Once I starated drinking, i couldnt hold back my DJ skills. I macked it up on about every girl there. I think that was the dumbest thing I ever did. By the way, we were the only freshment, so it was all older girls i was messin with.
Later, we all left together again, her two freinds, her, and I. While leaving, she and the one guy were holding hands. I was too drunk at the time to see it sneak up on me till it was too late. They did that the whole way back. When we were walking to the dorm area, I thought **** it and just broke off when we got where mine was and left.
Well, heres my problem. I like this girl, she seemed really nice the first time i met her, and on the first date. Should I call her, and when, and what should I talk about?? I really like her, but do you guys think I wasted my chances because of how I acted?
One last note, I think they were all close because they were afraid I was going to try to take advantage of her or something. Well, ANY AND ALL OPINIONS WELCOME. Feel free to call me a stupid ass, because i already am thinking that.
I really don't know what I should do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Heres some background. I am a college student. I met this girl last saturday night at a swing dance at school. We danced about the whole time, and I left with her number.
I called her Monday, and we went out tuesday night. We had a great date, but I only did a little kino and no kiss.
Fast forward, last night we went out and saw a movie, Bruce Almighty, then we went to a party she was invited to and said I could go to. It went ok at the movie, and then we met up with two of her old high school freinds. While walking to the party, somehow the convo got to her talking about seeing those two guys as boyfreinds. She said she could never picture it, she knew them way too well. She said it would be like brothers.
Next stop, party. I didn't drink until she did, not know how she was about it. She was just sitting around with her two high school freinds not doing much, so I thought, "ok im gonna have some fun"
Once I starated drinking, i couldnt hold back my DJ skills. I macked it up on about every girl there. I think that was the dumbest thing I ever did. By the way, we were the only freshment, so it was all older girls i was messin with.
Later, we all left together again, her two freinds, her, and I. While leaving, she and the one guy were holding hands. I was too drunk at the time to see it sneak up on me till it was too late. They did that the whole way back. When we were walking to the dorm area, I thought **** it and just broke off when we got where mine was and left.
Well, heres my problem. I like this girl, she seemed really nice the first time i met her, and on the first date. Should I call her, and when, and what should I talk about?? I really like her, but do you guys think I wasted my chances because of how I acted?
One last note, I think they were all close because they were afraid I was going to try to take advantage of her or something. Well, ANY AND ALL OPINIONS WELCOME. Feel free to call me a stupid ass, because i already am thinking that.