Define warm approach. The reason
@Hamurabimbi hasn't heard much about it is because it is difficult to define.
I'll try my best and provide examples. Warm approaching is the approaching of strangers in a context that falls in between the random approaching of strangers (cold approaching) and social circle facilitated introductions. In warm approaching settings, there is a commonality bringing people together besides a retail setting but it is rarer to find close friendships. You could call warm approaching "weak social circle game".
The following are examples of how I think I've warm approached over the years:
Social organizations and groups
Since the 2000s, hosted groups have taken over a lot of this space. Meetup is the bottom of the barrel in terms of warm approaching. There are group functions that exist that are unaffiliated with the website/app. Activity groups and general social groups are the most common of these. Many of these groups have taken a big hit with the pandemic.
Co-ed sports leagues fall under this category but not perfectly. In co-ed sports leagues, you'll sometimes see a group of friends who know each other outside of the league form a team in a sport to play against other teams. Other teams in leagues may have been formed through a collection of individuals joining a league who are randomly assigned to teams. It is my experience that you'll have a better experience in a co-ed sports league from the perspective of playing the sport if you join as part of a fully formed or mostly formed groups. The teams put together with random individual free agents tend to perform worse on the field/court.
Because co-ed sports leagues often have existing friend groups, it's not a pure warm approach play. It's more hybrid of warm approaching-social circle, aka "weak social circle". I started a thread about picking up in co-ed sports leagues and got 0 responses.
How many of you have participated in co-ed sports leagues? It can be any co-ed sports league. Did you get any results with women from it? One night stands, casual sex, extended relationships? I would call co-ed sports leagues a form of social circle game, though it is weak social circle...
Alumni Groups
This is one of the most basic forms of warm approaching that can be done. This mostly applies to white collar men who have a bachelor's degree or higher. In most mid-sized or larger areas, many colleges/universities have an alumni group that gets together. These groups have moved to Zoom/other video conference software mainly since the pandemic started.
These are some of the easiest approaches that you can make. I highly recommend participation in college alumni groups in terms of ease of approach. One warning though:
Never go to an alumni event surrounding your alma mater's football or basketball games. At an alumni game watching event, there are more couples and more women distracted by the sporting event.
Professional/Industry/Business Networking Groups
Plenty of men use these types of in-person events to hit on women, even though they are generally not a good option for it. I'm not saying that you can't find a date at one of these types of events, it's just that there are better ways to find a date than doing this.
These events disappearing during most of the last 2 years is partially why women on LinkedIn are reporting more men trying to slide into their LinkedIn DMs. However, even before the pandemic, men were using LinkedIn DMs to try and get dates.
These events are mostly a waste of time personally and professionally.