wants to bring her girlfriend on the next date. How to react?


New Member
Jun 11, 2006
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Hey fellas,
Met this fine lady. She seems interested because everytime I asked her out. She makes time for me. We've gone on 2 dates and they went pretty well. No kiss yet though.Anyway, for the 3rd date she wants to bring her girlfriend drinking with us. Is this a test? My friend told me this is a good sign because if she didn't like you. She wouldn't be introducing you to her friend.She wouldn't want some loser guy hanging out with her friend and maybe she wants her opinion of me. I don't mind to meet her friend but not right now. I'm still trying to build up my rapport with her.

I'm already behind and definitely have to kiss close her next date. What do the DJs on this board do if the girl wants to bring her friend?How do you respond? I was going to say. " Wow sounds cool. I wanna meet your friend. Actually, I want you to meet one of my friends too. Why don't we all go drinking together? Unfortuatley, he's out of town now, but when he gets back. I'll arrange something. This time lets go out only me & you. What do you guys think about that? What would you do? Do you still go and let the girl know that you are not phased by it and act your cool self? Or do you take it as she likes to hangout with you but doesn't look at you in a romantic way? Hence bring the friend so you won't try anything and you can all have fun together,while you wind up becoming one of the girls. Advice please because I know someone else is bound to be in this position! Thanks fellas..


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
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Sounds ok. She probably wants approval from her friend about you. Dont kiss the friends ass but do all the charming witty funny ****.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
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Down South. Between the Y junction.
Tell her you're suddenly busy... There is a high probability that nothing good will come out of it, and your expectations as to the outcome of this threesome is way too high..


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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try and keep it as a one to one. You really need to kiss close her next time you see her. Whats stopped you doing it in the first few dates? I have to say that if there wasn't enough sexual tension in the first 2 dates to lead to kssing then something is wrong.


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
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the same thing happened to me. i went out with the girl twice and i attempted to kiss her on the first date, but on the second i wasn't able too because she invited me somewhere and her family was there so there was no possible way of doing anything there. for the third date i asked her out to the movie, she told me she would go. so the next day she calls me because she couldn't go unless her friend could come. i told her that forget it that we could leave it for next week. she noticed it was because her friend was going that i wanted to cancel. but then i decided to go through with it and concentrate on her friend and ignore her the whole time but then she ended up not going to the movie at all. i think that she would want to bring her friend to either keep you from doing something with her, than to really get her friends approval unless she is that insecure.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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Kanpeki said:
Hey fellas,
Met this fine lady. She seems interested because everytime I asked her out. She makes time for me. We've gone on 2 dates and they went pretty well. No kiss yet though.Anyway, for the 3rd date she wants to bring her girlfriend drinking with us. Is this a test? My friend told me this is a good sign because if she didn't like you. She wouldn't be introducing you to her friend.She wouldn't want some loser guy hanging out with her friend and maybe she wants her opinion of me. I don't mind to meet her friend but not right now. I'm still trying to build up my rapport with her.

I'm already behind and definitely have to kiss close her next date. What do the DJs on this board do if the girl wants to bring her friend?How do you respond? I was going to say. " Wow sounds cool. I wanna meet your friend. Actually, I want you to meet one of my friends too. Why don't we all go drinking together? Unfortuatley, he's out of town now, but when he gets back. I'll arrange something. This time lets go out only me & you. What do you guys think about that? What would you do? Do you still go and let the girl know that you are not phased by it and act your cool self? Or do you take it as she likes to hangout with you but doesn't look at you in a romantic way? Hence bring the friend so you won't try anything and you can all have fun together,while you wind up becoming one of the girls. Advice please because I know someone else is bound to be in this position! Thanks fellas..

a few things she is doing.

A she could want her mate to qualify you, you need to be a fun guy with no hang-ups and this is waht you do, set something else up for that night.
Phone one of your guy mates and tell him to meet you after x time!

Go on the date have fun, chill relax and tell your women hey i am meeting up with x want to come?

Why do this?

The women is either qualifying you, in that case her mate is going to be sticking around anyway, a total ****block, your not going to be sleeping with her if her mates there, unless your a real smooth mover and tbh your not, not yet anyway. (a smooth mover would be trying to see a potential 3sum and gear it twoards that).

Or the bad news.
Your boring and not meeting her intrest she is giving you one last try to win her over, her mate is coming so when she leaves you she can go out with her mate, whislt your stuck with nothing to do and your jaw on the floor.

BNoth case scenarios can be worked around by having a better game plan, you buddie is out or in a club and you can only stay a bit, hey shes got a mate with her its not like she wants some alone time anyway.
If she is keen she will come and her mate to meet your friend and then you have the potential to get some you and her time.

When she is qalifying you she is seeing how you act around/mates/family/e.t.c

Play it cool, be natural and take it all in your stride.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
I'd definetly cancel and ask her out the next week.

She's probably bringing her friend to size you up. Nothing good will come of it. You won't have a three-some, almost 100% guaranteed. Why, you ask? Because only someone with game could pull that off, and by your post you're not exactly a professional.


Don Juan
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
First of all when is your date? If its more than a week away, invite your friend who you trust with you and who actually does have game and is not shy. Call the girl and tell her that since she is bringing her friend you are going to bring yours. Tell your friend to try to get her friends attention and not let it slip. Even if he is not interested in her. Then just play the game. Have your friend seperate them two. Its just like picking up pairs of girls at the club. He is your wingman.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
Hell No

Let's reverse the scenerio. How would she feel if you were to bring on of YOUR BOYS along? Hell, you won't even consider conisder it because all your boy would do is eff up your game.

She wants her friend along to for a second opinion and to c*ck block. If the date is going poorly, the friend will "suddenly become bored and restless." The girl your with not wanting to be a "bad friend," will want to accompany her home. The thing is they wouldn't be going home, they'll probably go to some other spot to score some guys.

In addition, suppose you do allow the friend to come, are you suppose to pick up the tab FOR THREE PEOPLE? GET THE **** OUTTA HERE!!!I seriously doubt that these chicks will want to pay there own way.

The what I was talking about in the thread entitled "The Mission Objective: Sex http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=101135. Your there to bang this broad. What does her brining her friend along have to do with you achieving this objective? Not a damn thing if you ask me.

So when you call to confirm the date and this idiot b*tch brings up her friend, this is how the conversation should go:

Kanpeki:So we're still on for tonight?
Idiot Chick: Yeah, can I bring my friend?
Kanpeki: Will I be getting in the bed with both you at the end of the night?
IC: Huh???
Kanpeki: You heard me.
IC: Huhh, no why?
Kanpeki. I'm interested in getting to know YOU because I'm attracted to you. I'm sure your friend is a cool person, but I have no desire to meet her at this time. Unless the three of us are going to have a threesome at the end of the night.
This will completely and totally f*ck her head up. She'll either do one of two things 1) say she can't kick it or 2) agree to see you alone.

Dude your also "behind in the count. This is Date 3 and you have no kiss yet. You this whole date needs to be geared getting this chick naked. If there's no sex, move on to the next girl. I'd suggest you go to Barnes and Noble and read Louis and Copeland's "How To Succed With Women." read the parts on how to get a first kiss, the priming date part, and the seduction date part. Report back and good luck.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
If she brings her friend - it isn't a date. So I'd treat it as such.

I'd make some excuse to come out late and meet her friend but don't get into hanging out with her and friend for any length of time.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
To answer your question at this stage, its a bad sign, a VERY BAD SIGN! It indicates everything your fearing: you haven't elevated the attraction level that was once there, you've moved dangerously close, if not into the friendzone, she see's you as one of the girl's, rather than a man and most of all it means NO FUVKING!!

Answer the following question: Have you paid for nearly everything on the first two dates? If the answer is YES (and I'm willing to bet the farm on it) then the reason she continues to hangout with you is for the free pass. Now she's getting even more outrageous and trying to bring her gfs in on the fun. You need to NEXT this girl quick bro, because your not going to get into her pants with your current plan.



Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Make a joke out of it. Say something like What? Do you think I'm dangerous?

She probably wants her friends opinion (or her friend demanded to find out who her new guy is).



Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Having been in this position before, I say CANCEL,

1. if her friend likes you will be ****-blocked
2. if her friend does not like you you will be ****-blocked
3. if her friend is jealous you will be ****-blocked
4. if the moon and stars dont line up you will be ****-blocked

she might be bringing a friend because

1. she likes you a lot and is nervous
2. she's not sure about you and wants an opinion
3. she's feel the sex vibe and wants to slow things down
4. she does not like you and does not want to reject you

When you cancel make sure she know's why, if she likes you or not,
when you do this you will knock her off her high horse because, she has already talked to her friend about this and now she's being rejected, IN FRONT OF HER FRIEND.

being that you have went on 2 dates already and have not kissed her, makes all of the above N/A

she probably thinks you just want to be friends

Tell her you would rather go on a " date " alone, then find your balls and make a move


New Member
Jun 11, 2006
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Thanks Fellas for the advice!! I appreciate it! She called me back and told me that her friend can't join us, so it only me and her now..THANK GOD!! So now I definitely have to kiss close her on the next date. Metropilot right. She probably thinks I want to be her friend only. Anyways, I'll concentrate on creating a better mood than the first two dates to make it easier for me to kiss her. Thanks for the recommendation of that book Maxiumus. I'll check it out! Alright then.. I'll holla at yall laters!!

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Dude, what happened on the date? Were you successful?