WANTED: A Non-Juan Moment in Your Life (Not AFC - There's a Difference!)

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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GREETINGS, Non-Juan fans!!

As you all know, I have a book out - "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide to LOSING The Girl of Your Dreams" - where I point out the various ways a guy can make a girl who once showed interest lose attraction FAST!

The book contains several personal stories where a girl who had interest in me lost it after doing some key Non-Juan things! However, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's gotten a girl to lose interest in me!

This post is for you, fair reader, to share a Non-Juan story from your life with people on this board, so that we can all learn from your experience another thing to do to get a girl to NOT like us anymore!

"But Mr. Non-Juan - there's already a post on this board where people can post their most AFC move! Isn't that the same thing?"

The answer is NO, and here's why: an AFC move (Average Frustrated Chump for you newbies out there) is a move where you were trying to get with a girl, and did something that prevented her from wanting to get with you; a NON-JUAN move is a move where a girl had interest in you, and you did something that drastically REMOVED any chances you had of getting with her!

Since I started this particular post, I'll start it off with a story that's not in my book: In college there was a girl named 'Coyia who was in my major and had developed a crush on me. She was a year ahead of me; despite this, she couldn't write a decently-worded paper to save her life. She was in the library working on her thesis while I was in there playing around on the computer. I noticed she was having writer's block, so I helped her out a bit by proofreading the paper.

2 Hrs. later, her paper was done, and it was around 10:15 PM. I was about to leave the library and head to my dormitory, when she asked if I was hungry. I hadn't eaten, so I said "yeah, sure." She said she wanted to treat me to dinner as a "thank you" for helping her with her thesis. I said, "okay, where do you want to eat?"

Answer: her apartment. She wanted to cook for me.

So, I followed her to her apartment. We got there, and I sat at the table while she got out pots and pans and cooked a meal for me at 10:30 at night. By the time we finished eating, it was 11 PM. She turned off the TV in her living room, put the plates and food away; then she came up to me, looking in my eyes with that "I want you look" on her face, and said, "well, it's late... I guess I should be going to bed..."

...so I said, "okay - see you in class tomorrow!" and drove back to my dorm.

It was pretty much downhill from there :cheer:

Okay, that's my story - feel free to share yours!

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Good With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
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One thing that I do whenever I'm trying to fend off a girl I don't like that's quite into me (happens more often than me finding girls I'm really into), is that I'll slowly shift into a very verbose, specialized dialect.

I'm an English major, so with the flick of a switch I can assume a most grating, pedantic vernacular comprised of old antiquated expressions, and highly technical and impersonal forms. This esoteric outpouring never fails to destroy whatever feelings the girl had... I always make a remark like, "wow, I never get to be open like this, but it's so neat for a change to converse as my true self."

The first effect is one of instilling pure boredom. They don't understand what I'm saying, plus I make sure to talk about really obscure theories and philosophical arguments, laughing like an amused child. When they think that this new, open method of expression is my true self, then they run for the hills. It's fairly tame, too, so I'm left with a clean conscience and I don't feel bad about doing something horrible to repulse them.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Getting rid of girls? Easy.

"May the Force be with you."