Wanna look good? Wanna look better? Step inside and have a seat.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house
Hi everyone. I know I'm new to the site but I've been reading for a couple of weeks and finally decided to join up. I wouldn't say I'm a master Don Juan but I get mine I can assure you of that.

I wanted to contribute to the site. I didn't want to beat a dead horse with approaches, text game etc. I wanted to talk about something that seems to be avoided and a question I've seen asked multiple times..... Drumroll please............... STYLE.

Lets get down to primal basics. In the wild, all the males are the pretty animals. Don't believe me? Read a book bro. The objective is to attract females! Isn't that what we are here for? Attract them to you! Stand out from the average. You are a DJ. You are above average. Look the part.

You're a man, stop dressing like a teenager. Throw those printed T's, tennis shoes and baggy jeans in the garbage or use them for household chores.

Lets get started.

Style is the most beneficial thing you can have. I get approached and complimented on my style regularly. First step is to stay on top of style. Get a subscription to Esquire, GQ and mens health magazine. They have great style tips, what's in, what's out and where to buy stuff.

Everyone is unique. You have your own style. This is not a one stop shop thread. Just advise to give you that boost into your own style. Basic rules and some of my own personal looks. Once you find that style, the one you see yourself wearing, you must plan. You need to create a budget, know what you need as far as how many shirts, pants, socks, shoes, etc, and then go shopping.

Guys, style can make or break you. You're not gonna go hit up the chick who is dressed like crap at the bars or clubs right? Same with her. The more approachable you look, the easier it is to approach. It's called "peacocking". Get noticed with an awesome wardrobe and use it to your advantage. It can up your game exponentially.

Lets start at the bottom with undershirts. "Why is this important? I've been wearing the same undershirts for years and its never been a problem." That IS the problem. The undershirt is your first layer of defense from sweat and odor. It is on the front lines of a battle with your skin and all the BS is secretes. Because of this, it has a very short life before you start looking like Joe Dirt.

Undershirts should be plain in color, no logos or writing. The collar should lay flat and neat with no wrinkles and should fit somewhat snug against you. It should not be visible through your over shirt. A wife beater outline through your shirt makes you look trashy and broke. See you at the trailer park. Don't be afraid to add different colors to spruce up outfits.

"How do I tell when it's bad or time to get a new one?" Simple, when you buy undershirts, save one from the package and hang it up. Every couple of weeks of usage and washes, compare the ones you do wear to the "display" shirt and if yours aren't as white, the collar is stretched (bacon neck), pit stains etc then toss them and go buy more. The higher quality of undershirt you buy, the longer it will last.

How to wear it: if you're wearing an extremely casual outfit like polo, jeans and sneakers then its ok to see your undershirt up past your collar. If you're dressing up fancy with a button down shirt, slacks and shoes then you should not be able to see your undershirt. Nothing is worse than someone wearing a nice outfit with a button down shirt and 4" of his undershirt is sticking up and stretched around is neck. You look like an 80 year old man. Bro, go buy some V necks. Show that manly chest off and for god sakes, shave it!

I personally wear V necks all the time so I don't have to worry about it at all. Why test the limits? I treat undershirts like underwear. I just don't show it. Makes things simple and clean.

Where to buy it: Walmart if you're ballin on a budget and if you're just ballin then places like banana republic and American apparel have nice options that will look great and last a long time.

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Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house
Button downs!

As I said earlier, if you have a printed T (a regular T shirt with a meme on it or writing) it is strictly for the gym or around the house. You never know where you're gonna see that HB so always be prepared and don't get caught out looking like a teenager.... Even if you are a teenager......

Lets start with my favorite shirts, BUTTON DOWNS!!!

These are the best way to make you look like a man with style and power. Think James Bond. You look sophisticated yet casual with it in jeans. You can dress it up with slacks and a tie and look like a high roller who has money. Add a blazer and you are money.... I'm getting ahead of myself. I get excited LOL!

"How should it fit?" The shirt should have a fitted look to it. Too baggy and you look like a box, too tight and you will look like a lady.

The shoulder seams should hit right where your deltoids end or where the shoulder starts to slope down.

The shirt should be fitted around the mid section. Too much fabric will make you look like a box and when you tuck your shirt in, it'll start to create the muffin top look and be wrinkled and bunched around your waist where you tucked it in. Too little fabric and you'll look again like a woman. The shirt should follow your body flow. Delete all excess fabric while keeping it from squeezing around you.

Sleeves should come to just past your wrist. Maybe 1/2 inch past your wrist. It should have just one break in it as you're standing with your arms at your side. Too much fabric here will leave your sleeves looking bunched up at your wrist. This is not good. Too short and you'll find yourself arm flooding. Even worse.

It should fit your neck. Take your time and get your neck measured so you will know what size neck you'll need. Too wide here will make you look like a kid and too tight will make you look like jersey shore. It should caress your neck as it wraps around it. Then flow to the opening.

The length of the shirt is important if you're going to wear it untucked. The inseam of the shirt should come just below the bottom of your belt. The back should be touching your back pockets and the front should come to the middle of your fly. Seriously though, just tuck the damn button down in.

One of the most common overlooked items is a collar stay. For those of you who don't know what this is, it's the plastic piece in the very front of the collar that keeps it looking nice and straight. Please please please don't pull this out and wear the shirt. You'll turn a nice crisp collar into a lazy sloppy collar really quick. Take these out when you wash the shirt so that it doesn't get destroyed or warped. Also, don't iron over them. Buy some extras from amazon in case you lose one. This thing literally makes or breaks a collar. Literally.

In conclusion, a well fit shirt will make you look complete, neat and can make you look bigger if you're small, smaller if your big and for the athletes in here, it'll bring out those body lines out that you worked so hard for. Also fellas, don't be afraid to get a shirt tailored to fit better. I do it all the time.

Roll up those sleeves! If its getting hot then roll those bad boys up. There is a technique to this that you need to master. Never roll the sleeves up past your elbow. If you can do this then the shirt is too big anyway. Roll it up to just the middle or a little higher on your fore arm. Don't just cram it up there all sloppy. (That's what she said). Roll it nice and neat. Always look neat and clean. Make sure both arms are even and your roll is nice and crisp. I unbutton the cuff and roll it back at the seam, then straighten it out, then roll it again so the cuff is the foundation for the neat roll, straighten it out and then roll it one more time. Now you have a nice neat roll, you don't look sloppy and you're still maintaining nice crisp lines.

Here are some pictures to show you how a shirt should fit and shouldn't fit.

The man himself wearing a shirt flawlessly. Look at the way his mid section fits and his collar. I know one sleeve is partially rolled but look at his other one. See how it's not crammed at his wrist or too short? That's what you're lookin for.

This guy is doin it wrong. He looks like a box. The sleeves and shirt are too long. He needs to step down a size. He looks like hot garbage. Don't be this guy.

Here is an example of a proper sleeve roll. See how it looks neat and clean? The entire shirt still flows and it's almost not noticeable. This is what you want. Don't compromise a nice clean, well fitted shirt by a lazy ass roll.



Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house
Polo shirts!

My second favorite. This screams casual. I wear polo shirts to the grocery store, quick bite to eat at a restaurant, shopping and anywhere that is casual. This style shirt says "I'm casual but I still look nice and like I have a little money in the wallet".

All the same rules apply to these shirts that do to the button downs. You want the fitted look.

The collar should not be flat but have the nice rounded look to it. The ends of the collar should be at a slight angle but still stand up. It should caress your neck and not be too tight or too loose.

The midsection should flow with your body. Too much fabric and you'll look like a box. Too little and you'll look like you're wearing your little brothers shirt.

The length should be just past the opening of your back pockets in the back, the inseam should be just below your belt and the front should be just above mid crotch.

The sleeves. I like the elastic band sleeves that fit tight around your arm. The sleeve should be somewhere between just above your elbow to midway up your bicep. All of that is acceptable. Any higher than mid way up your bicep and the shirt will look too small. The sleeve should start right at the end of your delts where your shoulder slopes.

Here is a biggie. Do not and I repeat, do not go buy the shirts with the massive logos. I've seen huge polo logos, big express logos etc. If you have one of these shirts then please kill it with fire. The idea is to look clean simple and classic in a polo. Small logos work well and I only wear shirts with animal logos, express, Lacoste and Ralph Lauren. These brands fit well out of the box. They are fitted and last a long time. Nothing wrong with the other brands but I feel they leave a lot to be desired in fitment and longevity. That's just my experience.

Last thing on these. Flip the collar up when you wash these shirts. It will help keep the collar in good shape and not get flattened or creased in the dryer. If the collar looses its elasticity, starts laying flat, has a crease in the middle, throw it out. It's done.

Here is a pic of correct fitment in a polo shirt.

Kill this with fire. Lots of hot fire. I don't know what dark hole this crawled out of or what we did to deserve this but this is gross and I will LOL at you if I see you in this. Its too busy, too much logo. Is this your team number on the sleeve? Just don't.



Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house
T shirts. Not gonna spend a lot of time on this because T shirts are lazy.

If you wear a T shirt, keep it plain and simple. No memes, funny pictures etc.

An undershirt is just that, an undershirt. Keep it that way.

Only athletes look good in jerseys

V necks are not gay if the V isn't too deep

Baggy looks trashy

Too tight and you look like you borrowed a shirt from your little brother

Too long and ill ask you what drugs you're selling

Too short and ill ask you what team you cheer for

Sleeves should be no longer than your elbow and no shorter than mid bicep.

Collar should lay flat. Fear the bacon neck.

Please make sure you can't see through it

Keep the wrinkles to a minimum.

I could keep goin but I think you get the idea.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house

This is where most of us guys get it wrong. Aside from shoes this is the most common mistake I see. It's funny because its actually pretty easy to get it right. In this area, a tailor is your friend. Spend the extra 20 bucks and fix the areas you need to like length for example.

Lets dive into some jeans.

Oh man, I'm about to go on a rant! Fellas, have you noticed that the girls jeans have designs on the pockets? Looks cool right? Ok so why do you want that? You wanna be cool like her? NO!!!!! Leave pocket designs to the ladies. No off colored stitching, designs, pointy pockets, holes in the jeans, crazy acid wash or anything like that. Be a grown up, be clean, neat and timeless.

Waist fitment is pretty self explanatory. You want the jeans up around your waist. Not sagging and not too high like grandpa. You know where your waist is, keep the jeans there. Make sure you don't buy too small because you'll be tucking a shirt into these. You want them to follow your body lines in the rear. Too tight and you'll look like you have your girls pants on, too loose and you'll look like you have a diaper on. Make sure there is no excess fabric in the front. You'll look like you have a boner all the time. The front should lay almost flat.

Length is where many struggle. I think the fear of flooding is so great that some guys make it a point to do the opposite. I've seen guys in jeans so long that they drag the ground behind their shoe and they get frayed and ruined. Jeans should not bunch around the shoes. Instead they should look somewhat relaxed with just one major break right at the top of the shoe and cover 3/4 of the back of the shoe. That's it. Keep an eye on the inseam around the crotch area. Make sure it's not too low or high. No need for a 12" long zipper or a 1" long zipper. They should fit you neatly and look crisp.

The jeans should not be too tight around the leg for obvious reasons. They should start wide to accommodate your thigh, get slightly narrow around the knee and then widen slightly to accommodate your calf and shoe. Excess fabric here is a no go. Keep the jeans somewhat relaxed but still maintain the fitted look. Clean lines people, clean lines.

Here is my pet peeve. It's not the 90's so ditch the acid washed jeans and the holes. It amazes me that people pay money for torn up jeans. Dude, you look broke. Go buy some nice blue jeans. It's ok to have the slight "worn" look but if you look at them and wonder if they look too "worn" then they probably do. No girl is interested in your worn out looking jeans because they make you look like a common laborer with no money. Even if you are that, you don't have to look it.

Here is an example of how jeans should fit. Notice there is no excess fabric anywhere. There is only one break in the jeans at the shoe. 3/4 of the back of his shoe is covered, they fit nice around the hips. These are on point.

I don't know who this guy is but I feel like he owes me money. What can I say about these jeans that hasn't been said about Afghanistan, they look bombed out and depleted... Too worn out, too baggy, too wrong. Don't be this guy.

This guys jeans sit too low. They are too long and skinny. If you're into skinny jeans and they work then cool but I think he looks like a thug and I'd ask him for drugs if I was I to that sorta thing.



Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house

Now we are getting into the good stuff. A nice tailored blazer can set you apart from the crowd. You'll look like a boss, a CEO among employees if you will. Some guys will say "na man, that's too much" and that's fine but I just saw the hottie you're tryin to mack on check me out. JS. The blazer is your friend. He has multiple personalities. He can look dressy or casual but always powerful. He is king. Believe it or not, these don't have to break the bank to look good. However, there are rules you must follow or you'll look like you're headed to church.

Fitment. Is. Key..... DO NOT GO BUY AN OFF THE SHELF BLAZER, THROW IT ON AND BEAT THE STREETS. I'm serious.. Don't. Go get measured, buy a blazer in those measurements and head to the tailor shop to get it cleaned up and the final fitments done. Then and only then will you be ready to rock.

The shoulder seam should extend to the edge of your delts where your shoulder starts to slope. Same as the shirts. Don't go buy a blazer with huge shoulder pads. You'll look like a wannabe linebacker. If it has shoulder pads, keep them small and just enough to give your shoulder a nice clean natural look.

The coat should fit snug around your torso but not so snug that the buttons pull. Again, we are looking for the fitted look. If its too loose around your torso you'll look like a big fat box and not the kind we like.

The sleeves should end at your wrist. No more, no less. Too easy.

The length of the coat is an easy one too. Hood your hands by your side and cup them, if the bottom of the jacket is in the cup you just made then your good. Basically, hands by your side, mid palm is it.

Last but not least, the lapel. Now for going out and getting girls at a club, bar or going to a nice dinner you want a thin, streamlined lapel. If your going for a job interview, then go with a thicker lapel. See the pics below.

Everything about this blazer is right. You can't say he doesn't look like a man of power and fashion. You should look like this in your blazer.

This blazer is wayyyy too big. Look how long it is. He looks sloppy and like a box. Don't be this guy.

This is an interview blazer. Not a clubbing blazer. Notice how wide the lapel is.

Here is a clubbing blazer. A casual blazer if you will. Notice the thin streamlined lapel. This is a great outfit for an upscale bar or club.

Here is a good example of a proper fitting torso. This guy fits this blazer perfect. On point.

I hit the 10 post max. Ill add more tomorrow.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house

Hell yeah I said it. Peacoat. They rock. They look sophisticated, neat and are the end all to jackets. Put your dated north face mountain climbing jacket down and jump into one of these. Before you say "man, that's gay." Peacoats came from the military. They are a classic and timeless piece. Not to mention they are extremely warm and comfortable. Before you go running to the store to buy the first one you see, let's review the rules. Again, you must have this tailored to you. Off the shelf never works.

Sleeves should end at your wrist the same as the blazer. Too easy

Torso should be fitted like everything else we have discussed. Let me beat it into your brain again. It should follow your body lines. Fit should be snug but not tight. Too much fabric in a peacoat is the worst thing you can do. It will make you look like you gained 40 lbs overnight and not in a good way.

Shoulder seams should start at the top of your delts where the shoulder slopes down. Just like everything else.

Length.... This is where 90% of people fail. The coat should be. No lower than the bottom of your ass at a max and no higher than the middle of your ass. Too easy. Yes there are some that are longer but never shorter. I personally am not a fan of long peacoats. When I see a long peacoat I'm on edge thinking you're gonna pull out a tommy gun and turn into baby face and kill everyone. If you can pull it off then by all means but I like to keep it simple and clean. It should fit snug around your ass. I know it sounds gay but you'll see what I mean in the pics.

There are tons of styling options so I can't really help you much here. Venture out, find your coat, have it tailored and run it. You'll be set.

Anything you wear with a peacoat like a scarf should be tucked inside the coat. It is the outermost layer of your outfit. Remember that.

Here are some pics of nice peacoats.

This peacoat is the one I have. I love it. The key is to keep it clean and streamlined. Look at the sleeves and the length. Everything is right.

Another couple examples of proper fitment and styles.

And finally a horrible fitting example. Look at how bunched up it is. It just looks terrible. Don't be this guy.



Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house

This is extremely difficult to talk about. There are so many different styles. Shoes are a must to complete a solid outfit without making yourself look like a fool. They will make or break you. Girls notice shoes, believe that. Look how many shoes they have and now think to yourself how much they matter to them. They will check yours out. So, get into a nice pair of shoes.

Since there are so many styles, lets talk about some basic mistakes you can avoid.

Square toe shoes are phasing out. F$&k what you heard, this is fact so deal with it. Everything is moving to pointed toe shoes.

A general rule is, the more pointy the toe, the more dressy the shoe.

With dress shoes, you want the soles to be even with the outside of the shoe and not sticking out past the widest point of the shoe. Basically the sole shouldn't be the widest point of the shoe.

Wing tips are in! These shoes are classic and timeless. Go buy some... Today.

Loafers are a great option.

Cap toe dress shoes are my personal favorites for a dressy look.

Buy yourself some dress socks. White tube socks are horrible. Please just don't.

On to casual shoes....

Ok guys please listen for your own good. Are you playing tennis? Going to the gym? Going running? No? Then don't wear tennis shoes, gym shoes or running shoes out! You'll look like you ran to the bar. This look is cheap and lazy. To a female, cheap and lazy shoes = a cheap and lazy dude. Put them in the closet and bring them out for yard work or their intended use. There is nothing worse than a dude with a nice button down, crisp clean classy jeans, nice belt and watch with something like Nike shocks on. You're a man so look the part.

"So what do I wear for casual shoes then?" I got you, don't worry.

Something like a nice pair of Polo shoes fits the bill. Hell, Chuck Taylor's are a stylish option. These are just two that I wear when I'm casual. The fit nice, make your feet look proportionate and complete a casual outfit with a touch of style.

I get endless compliments on my polo shoes. Ill include a pic at the bottom of this post. These are simple, clean and casual. I wear them with polo shirts and nice jeans. This is my everyday outfit. Walmart, grocery store, gas station, podunk bar, casual restaurants, etc.

Chuck Taylor's with a solid color T, black bomber jacket and nice jeans is another example of a fall or winter outfit for a quick casual outing. The chicks dig bomber jackets. Ill do a post on them as well.

Last shoe I'm gonna recommend is the Clark's desert boots. These are extremely comfortable and since they are brown, they open up lots of possibilities for outfits. They go with anything unless its black. Don't be caught dead in a black shirt with brown shoes or vice versa.

In conclusion, go buy some nice sneakers, be it converse, polo, desert boots or whatever for casual outfit. Remember, no running, gym or tennis shoes. Since the options are endless, this is as far as I'm going to get into this. If you have any questions, send me a PM and ill help you find your style shoe for the outfit you're wearing or your style.

Bad ass wing tips. These are classy. Beautiful coloring.

Nice black cap toe shoes. I have these. They look great.

Polo shoe example

Chuck Taylor's

Last but not least, Clark's desert boots.



Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house

Lets complete that outfit! How about a nice belt? A watch? Wallet? Sunglasses? I got you covered! These items are icing on the cake. The tits and ass on a woman. The pieces that sell. These are a must. Lets ditch the checkbook wallets, souja boy sunglasses, big belt buckles and fossil watches and get some style on you.

Belts are key. If you think about it, they are kind of the center piece. Now you'll need a black and brown belt and just for simple-ness sake, go with a silver or gold buckle.

Insert the belt through your left belt loop first. Left is right, right is wrong.

The belt should be big enough to fill your belt loops but not overfill or stretch them.

Wear belts with logos at your own risk. Never your initials.

Small simple buckles work best.

Match the belt color to the color of your shoes. Black shoes, black belt etc.

Buy the belt in your waist size. Too big or too small is no good.

Now I'm personally a fan of the solid one color belts. I like the clean and classic look. You'll find me in a black or brown belt with a silver buckle. I have one gold belt buckle but is small and clean. I like the subdued, brushed aluminum look personally. The less gold on a belt, the better. IMO

Watches are up next. Endless options here guys. Lets just hit on basic rules and some options. This is a personal preference kind of thing and its hard to mess this up. Fellas, go buy a damn watch. They make you look sophisticated and punctual. Doesn't have to be a Rolex or Movado. A nice, well put together timex is fine. Now keep in mind you can change the bands to keep the watch current and looking nice. I recommend you buy a gold, black and silver watch.

I just wanna say, the blank face movado watch I have is always a conversation piece. It's black with a diamond at the top to represent 12.

Girl: Is that a real Movado? How do you tell what time it is?
Me: this is a fashion piece, not meant to tell time. It's a real Movado.
Girl: it looks really cool but why do you even have it if you can't tell exactly what time it is?
Me: because I can afford it and it looks good. If it didnt, you wouldn't be impressed by it.
Girl: (surprised look) yeah, you're right LOL.

I told you that to tell you that girls notice. It's a conversation starter and this only makes it easier to talk to a girl about something. It benefits you.

Match the watch with your belt. Brown belt with gold buckle = gold watch, black belt with silver buckle = silver watch. This will keep things simple. You cant mess this up. Black watches are nice too, treat them like silver watches.

The watch should fit your wrist. Too big is teenagerish and too small will look like a female watch. Ditch the old school fossil watch we all wore in highschool. Opt for something like a timex if you're on a budget.

Like I said, I'm not gonna dig too deep into which style you should wear. There are just too many. Find one that fits your personality but follow the fitment guide.

Here is a pic so you can see how a nice time piece is supposed to fit your wrist. Notice how its not wider than his wrist. This is how it should fit you.

Wallets are up next. Ok, to some of you, this may sound insane but I recommend two wallets. A black wallet and a brown one. You'll be covered in any outfit. A wallet is a mans purse. Women notice it.

I'm gonna say this because someone may not know but no Velcro wallets. Please.

Leather wallets are what you're lookin for.

A worn look is awesome but don't let it get too worn out. If you're wondering if its too worn out looking then it probably is.

Throw that tall checkbook wallet out. A wallet should fit completely inside your pocket. Cuts down on theft too LOL.

Avoid logos. This is for women. You want all one color. Clean and simple.

The less crap stuffed in your wallet the better. Keep it simple and just for the essentials. Fat wallets full of business cards make you look like a hoarder. Money, credit cards, debit cards, insurance cards, I'd's and anything that is essential is it.

I have two Coach wallets. One is brown and one is black. They are identical but different colors. It's sturdy, made of real leather, has a nice liner and holds everything I need while still holding its shape. These are good wallets.

Here is my black coach wallet

Sunglasses are the final item. Don't walk around squinting with your face all scrunched up, you look ridiculous. Sunglasses are awesome. Not everyone can pull off every style. They are actually designed for different faces. Ill include the face shape - glasses shape diagram at the bottom of this post. I have a face that fits aviators. I have a gold framed brown lens pair of Maui Jim aviators and a silver framed pair with black lenses. Ill post pics of mine. I'm an air traffic controller so I love aviators but I'm a little biased.

Really anything goes here much like watches. Just find your personality and make sure they fit your face.

Look at designer brands. They last longer and generally fit better.

Spend some money on a nice pair you cheap ass. No gas station specials.

Enough with the Oakley oil rigs and such. These are "me too" glasses. Meaning everyone has them. Don't look like everyone else, be a step above. Ray ban has some nice affordable options.

Scratched frames and lenses are horrible. Sloppy and lazy. Tells the girl you can't take care of stuff you rely on.

No glasses that have one big lens. This looks jersey shore. So if you're a habitual fist pumper then go for it but, for the rest of us respectable tax paying citizens, glasses should have two separate lenses.

Gold frames go with brown. Silver or black goes with anything but brown.

Do I even have to talk about other colors? If I see you in neon green glasses, ill put you on front street. Haha

Avoid huge logos.

Don't walk around with sunglasses on the top of your head. Are you shading your hair? Put them in your pocket or on the table. I just think this looks lazy.

Don't buy the wrap around piece that keeps them from falling off. If you walk with good posture and your head up then they will never fall off. This makes you look like you can't keep up with your stuff. If you buy one of these then buy a chain for your wallet and a clip on belt holder for your phone while you're at it. Complete that look with a fanny pack.......

Secret........ If you have blonde hair or blond ish hair, it's a must to get a pair of gold frame glasses similar to mine. These look really sharp on blonde guys. I'm blonde and girls tell me the same thing over and over "they really bring out your blonde hair, they look so good on you!".

Here are my Maui Jim aviators. Why am i showing you my glasses? To show you that you shouldn't be afraid to step out and get some style goin. Now the fat bald guy with the mailbox head that wears the Oakley oil rigs will call them gay but he is a fat ass dude with a mailbox head. He is insecure with himself. I'm very secure and I look damn good in these. I get compliments from HB's on these bad boys regularly. Not because they are gay but because they look good! I'm not tryin to impress him and his barefoot, fat, pregnant, trailer park trash woman. I want the prime cut women he will never get. He is a bottom feeder cat fish and I'm a great white shark.

Face shape guide to sunglasses.

In conclusion. Get accessorized! These are conversation starters! They show you are complete and detail oriented. Chicks dig that. She will think you're gonna be complete and detail oriented in the bed too!
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Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house

I can spend all day talking about this. This is a common question I see asked all the time. Look, there is no answer to what hair style you need. Who do you want to be? That's is the question. I do however have some basic rules to think about when you're searching for your style or looking to improve your current one. Hair makes you stand out. Look around and notice that every average guy rocks a similar haircut. HB's aren't looking for an average guy because they aren't average. DJ's aren't average. You are a DJ aren't you? Gotta look good to be good.

Clean is better. Bro's, wash your hair! Dandruff is nasty. I use head and shoulders for my hair to keep dandruff away. It really works. Also, condition your hair. Gives it a nice clean "sheen" and keeps it soft. No 2 in 1 shampoo will work. Get a shampoo and conditioner. When a chick runs her hand through your hair, she will be impressed and how soft it is. Oh btw, she is touching you! Kino initiated!

If you're searching for a new style then check out the celebrities. They always stay up on fashion.

Don't go to some broke down chop shop barber shop. Go to a nice place and spend a little money. You're paying for their time to make you look complete and nice. Let me tell you how much of my time 5 bucks will get you........

IMO men cut hair better. I don't know why but next time you go, get a dude to cut it. I bet you'll be surprised. A gay guy cuts my hair and I look FABULOUS LOL. No shame in my game. Gay guys know what's up. Don't be a homophobe, you're not receiving a hand job for Christ sake. It's a haircut.

Split ends are gross. Get them trimmed.

Dye your hair at your own risk. I advise you to stick to your factory hair color.

Hair gel should not make your hair hard. Get some hair wax. I'm sure you're like "WTF is that". Well it keeps your hair in place but also makes it look natural and not all hard and stuck together. You wanna run your fingers through some chicks hard stuck together hair? She doesn't want yours to be like that either.

Take a pic of what you want your hair to look like to your hair stylist. Saves the 5 minutes of detailed and confusing instructions you're trying to give them.

Sports cuts is for kids. You're a grown man. They suck.

If you're going bald then my advise is to shave your head. Bald looks powerful. The hair cul de sac look is lazy. Own it, be bald, be proud.

I'm gonna talk about this and I really don't want to but again, I'm tryin to help...... Manscaping.

Lets start with eyebrows. Unibrows are gross and weird. Get some tweezers and clean it up. Just the middle, don't go out and shape the eyebrows lol. Just delete the unibrow.

Beards should be neatly trimmed and defined. You're not an 18th century warrior. This is 2014, make it neat.

Last thing, no chick wants to pull your pants off and immediately feel like she is in a ZZ Top concert. Trim that shyt up. I'm not sayin go bald eagle down there but look like you give a shyt man. It'll even make your junk look bigger lol. Shave your balls. Just do it. Ball beards are nasty. I learned the following advise from chicks. Real girls in the field. And I've put this into 3 categories that I'm going to share with you.

Shaved bald everything - associated with porn stars. Makes them feel like you're all about sex and with multiple partners. Seems untrustworthy.

Trimmed up nice and tidy - says you care about what she is about to have to deal with. You're not 100% sex oriented but you do care and you're prepared. This gives them a feeling that you're a generally clean person. Which is a good thing. This is the most preferred look by chicks.

The lumberjack - this is gross, sloppy and lazy. You wanna put your face into a pile of uncut pubes? Neither does she. Just don't be this guy. Don't put her through that.

Here are some pics of what your junk should look like...... I'm kidding. I bet you freaked out LOL.

Ok, enough of that. That was painful. Take the advise gents. Manscaping is key.

In conclusion, be neat, have a specific style and own it. Clean is the best thing you can be. Never forget that.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house
In conclusion....

I just want to say that if I sounded harsh then PM me your address and ill send you some vagisil for your issues down there. We are men and we need to be talked to like men. I'm here to help YOU!

Complete outfits will make you a complete man in a woman's eyes.

The more approachable you look, the easier it will be for you to approach. That's what we are here for right?

Great outfits and accessories are conversation starters. Makes our job that much easier!

Look left, look right, now dress a notch above those guys. Now you're a step ahead.

When in doubt, simple is better.

Classy wins every time. It's associated with power. You don't see bad ass lawyers and CEO's with skinny jeans, printed T's and sketchers on. They are powerful and they look the part.

Clean shoes are a must. Keep them clean. I can't tell you how many times I've wiped my shoes off before I go out. Hell, I've stepped out of the bar to clean my shoe because some jack ass stepped on it. Be clean.

Shop online as much as possible. You'll always find better deals. Macy's is a bad ass store to get quality items and they are almost always running sales.

A tailor is your friend. He will make you look 10X better in minutes. Get yor jeans, shirts and jackets tailored. Just one more way to look that much better.

Name brand is more expensive but it lasts longer. Looks good, cheap, lasts long. Pick two cause you can't have all three.

Don't look like everyone else. DJ's don't blend in, we stand out.

Step out of your comfort zone and try new things.

If you have to ask if its worn out, then it probably is. Replace it.

Big logos = big douche

Fear the bacon neck

V necks are not gay

Last and most importantly. The outfit doesn't make the man, the man makes the outfit. Look like you enjoy the outfit. Tailor your style to you. Pave your own way. Be the man you want to be and the outfit will back you up!

If you need any fashion advise just ask me. I love fashion because I like to look good and it gets me laid. I'm here to help you get laid, to get that girl of your dreams. If I can provide advise that changes just one persons game then I've done what I came here to do.

Don't be afraid to PM me. Ill go out of my way to find an outfit that will stop a woman dead in her tracks and make her wonder who the F you are. Yes, an outfit will do this. Trust me.

If you want me to talk about another item of clothing, make another long post and explanation then just ask and you shall receive! I'm here to help you. All of you.

We are at war with these wanna be DJ's. These marks, tricks, trick ass marks, mark ass tricks, skeezers, skanks, skips, scaps and scalawags are trying to be victorious over you. Prepare yourself for battle! Arm yourselves. The unprepared man in a fight is usually the loser. Be prepared, go buy your ammo and hit the battle field and destroy all opposition and claim your fine ass woman as your trophy and prize as you stand on the mound of defeated chumps!

Ok you bunch of ruffians, I'm out.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house
Thanks guys. Keep the PMs comin. I'm happy to help. Also, if you want to ask a question in the thread then please do. Chances are that someone might have the same question.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Great work, ArmyBoyATC. Stickied for now.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
ArmyBoyATC said:
Button downs!

Lets start with my favorite shirts, BUTTON DOWNS!!!

These are the best way to make you look like a man with style and power. Think James Bond.
sorry to contradict you mate, James Bond would never wear a button down shirt... only in Skyfall he does but it's not really a button down shirt and more importantly he dressed this way to please the American audience... master of elegance are Italian (look for Gianni Agnelli) or British (prince Charles) people.

all the other stuff regarding shirts is good


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
Armyboy, great guide, thank you. A few categories/specifics I would like to see covered in future revisions:
- Leather jackets: types, colors, when & where
- Cologne
- Pant types other than jeans: cords, chinos, etc.
- Black jeans...when, if ever?
- Casual shoes...any coloring rules when combining with dark or light jeans?
- Summer stuff: shorts, sandals

Thanks again


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
The house
Sorry I've been gone for a while. Been on vacation. I'll get all questions answered within the week. Need a few days to get settled back in and then I'll have time to type this out. As you can tell it takes a lot of time.

About James Bond, who cares why he is wearing a button down? I was showing you how to wear a button down. I'm an American and this is all about American style. Each country has their own style. Mate. Or as we say in America, buddy. Y'all have James Bond, we have superman. Come at us.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hey do you have any tips for what to wear to school on a college campus?