Wanna know easy ways to get laid.

Ashlee Angel

Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2002
Reaction score
I have had alot of nights when I have came home ALONE and nights when I had a WOMAN over. I'll start you off step by step of how I normally do my djing.

I make a date I like to go out rather early like six or seven so it gives me enough time to go to the date, And b/s them into coming to my house without the excuse of it being too late.

Always ask them what time they have to be at work the next day or what they are doing the next day. If they ask you why just say something like I was just asking. Knowing what they are doing the next day let's you know in the back of your mind she shouldn't have any excuses as why she should not be able to go to your house.

On the date make them feel Very comfortable ask them if their okay ask them what's on their mind. It may seem AFCish but it lets them know that you care about their feelings.

When your on the date nake it a little sexual always use Kino it makes you feel closer, give little love taps etc.

On the car ride their ask her some of her hobbies and think of something you have in common that might be at your house. So you can later have an easy excuse to have something to show her and you know she'll like it.

Never go out on a doubble date or go to where she has friends their. It will be alot harder for you to score that night. Take a women out of her normal surroundings go a little out of the way to places you normallywouldn't go.

When you get her to your house make sure it will just be the two of you. Never try to have other people in the same room and make sure it's clean. Do a little fluff talk and then use kino, That should lead to making out and which should lead to sex. Always have a comeback in your mind for when she has an excuse. Most girls love to lay on the ASD, But once you know how to break that down your gold.

It helps to learn so SS because that helps with the ASD so she will really be into it.

Remember guys ISOLATE that is key because girls do not want to seem like a ho in front of their friends.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Good post Ashlee. You are very correct about Isolating. It is a huge key. Once you can do that things really fall into place.

I've see a few people mention ASD. What exactly does ASD stand for?


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ricky
Good post Ashlee. You are very correct about Isolating. It is a huge key. Once you can do that things really fall into place.

I've see a few people mention ASD. What exactly does ASD stand for?
anti-slut defense