Walking Away vs Pushing Back


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
A more correct title would have been "Walking Away and/or Pushing Back"

One of the inviolable rules of DJ orthodoxy is that we don't take the emotional bait, we're cool, calm and restrained at all times. When a woman misbehaves, or displeases us in anyway, we withdraw our attention and walk away rather than engage in petty squabbling, or even try to attempt rational argument with an emotional woman. Who can argue with that?

For me, one of the things that should come with an abundance mentality, is the knowledge that you don't have to play out every interaction with women to it's fullest potential. If you know you're done with a woman, it really shouldn't matter whether you left with stoic indifference, or whether you got a couple of good licks in, you ought to handle it the way YOU want to handle it. Because if you're ALWAYS trying to handle it in the DJ approved manner, you haven't really transcended the need for approval, or validation via vagina, if you will.

Now, if you're just starting out, then yeah, you are going to want to practice keeping your neck in until it's second nature. But after that, I think it's one of those "hard and fast" rules that needs to be outgrown eventually (like so many others).

Actually, the situation would be a bit different for married/LTR guys, they can't really afford to go "off game" on this front, but they don't have "abundance" as such, not in the same sense that the rest of us do - just acknowledging the limits of my position.
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When you are done with a woman, walking away or pushing back results in the same amount of utility for you. The woman gains more utility from your push back by her perception that you cared. In contrast, simply walking away shows control of emotions and DHV, greatly decreasing her utility with the subtle IDGAF about you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
BeginningDJ said:
When you are done with a woman, walking away or pushing back results in the same amount of utility for you. The woman gains more utility from your push back by her perception that you cared. In contrast, simply walking away shows control of emotions and DHV, greatly decreasing her utility with the subtle IDGAF about you.
Now that is interesting, you're agreeing (I think) that on a personal level it is largely inconsequential, but in terms of the bigger picture (re-balancing the sexual marketplace) you have a bigger effect by stoically walking away. I hadn't considered that, I'll have to munch on it for a while, you could be right about that.

It's an enormously effective technique, but I can't help thinking there is something inherently unhealthy about permanently suppressing an entire aspect of your personality.