Wake up call to all your questions


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
Well.....I hate to share with you my secret because I mean..... I don't know. It's not that I don't want to help you guys out it's just....I just don't think many of you will do it. I know I havn't been doing it and ive been here for almost two years. I'm just NOW starting to do it.

What's the secret? ok, ok, ok I'll tell you. Actually...it's been told before. Get out and do what you learn here. You can come here day after day. I mean right after you get home from school and put your bookbag down. (ohhh I think I hit a nerve there)

Hey if you want to you can sit around thinking you know everything about women because you've read the entire DJ bible and you've made over 500 post! Let me give you a pat on the back. Oh your free oven toaster will be in the mail shortly.. (oppps...another nerve)

Really guys, the effort that you and me both have been showing is pathetic. Now I know a lot of you guys go at it hard. Not to single anyone out but Anthony is someone I look up to because he decided "Im going to get this handled"

He didn't try to make an excuse like.."oh well I need to work on my schooling right now because it's more importaint than women." (another nerve)
Bullsh*t, now I'm not saying that schoolwork isnt importaint.

What I'm saying is your bullsh*tting yourself out of doing what you think about constantly. Your using it as an excuse. How do I know this? Because if what you tell youself is more importaint then why in the h*ll do you come here everyday for then anyways?

Sure, there's good info about other things than girls but I'd say around 80% of the info has something to do WITH girls. One question I use to ask myself was "wheres all the guys that were GREAT posters, what happened to them?"

You know what happened? They went out and applied the stuff they learned. They became better at what they wanted, WOMEN. Sure, they still post every once in awhile but their not here all the time. Why? Because they don't need this site. They don't use it as a crutch anymore. They got some expierence underneath their belt.

There moving on with their lives. Instead of some of US who keep looking for answers when there right in front of us. We just don't want to put in any effort because we may get rejected or hurt.

It's the samething over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. "How do I get this girl to like me?" "What are some fun date ideas?" "What color underware should I wear on my date?" I mean really guys, wake up! Smell the barn yard cow patties for goodness sakes.

I rambled on and on to make this statement. Either decide your going to step to the plate, or that your going to sit on the bench. Sure your not guranteed a homerun every up to bat. Hell, you may not even make it to first. But for goodness sakes atleast put in the effort.

I know all this has been said before but I feel like this site is going down the sh*tter. And I mean absolutly no disrespect whatsoever toward any of the moderators. They do a fantastic job most of the time.

So what's it going to be fella's? The informations at your/my fingertips, are you/me going to apply it or just let it go to waste, waiting for that one time when nothing can go wrong. I'll let you in on a little secret, that one time won't come. I waited for that "perfect moment." For a long time. It will NOT come. You know why it won't come? Because you havn't showed life itself any reason at ALL for it to give you that chance.

Life's a just employer boys...go get what you wanted since you first came here.

If you want you can flame me, I don't care. I just hate to see this site loose it's luster because we as "men" want to make up excuses and should all over ourselves.


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2005
Reaction score
i totally relate.
there is this chick that i like and she knows it. she asked if i liked her and i said yea. then she goes we could have something affter me and my bf break up and then you can go right ahead. (whatever that means). so now they broke up and she is being mean to me, why
whats with that.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
I needed that encouragement. I've been here for a while, but not anywhere near the mark I've set to myself. I found myself slacking off as of late, and need to get back on track. Thank you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
I've been saying to myself "Ah! When I get that PERFECT chance I'll do this and that!" But has it come? No. I've only applied about 1/2 of this information to my life right now...

Awhile ago I was going to leave this site. But I only left for about a week until I needed the crutch again. But this motivates me to apply more to my life. I'll maybe leave at the end of this school year.
I'm glad theres others here who realize we need to stop overanalyzing...

Good post man.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
great post, man, anyway i think that most of us won't ever get the message (like me, lol):D


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
I've been applying, but could do MUCH more. Need practice though at the basics until I can move on to the rest (ie. kino).


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
this has been inspritional! im ganna go get a phone number right now! from here on out im ganna make being a DJ a part of my life. not just what i do on the internet...lol

thanx this was a great post.. but stick to what the post was about anile8.



Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
So how do I get this girl to like me? :p

Thanks for the encouragement.