Visualize this, it will help you to move forward.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2006
Reaction score
I want you all to use this visualization to help you to always move forward with your experiences with women, and everything in life.

Right now, at this point in your life, you are at home. Everything you did in your life up until now is inside the house, there is a big "for sale" sign outside the house, you have locked all the doors and you are leaving. You have memories of the things that are in the house, but they are no longer part of your life. The house represents everything in your life you have done up until here, and you sitting outside the house beside your car is you deciding to make a substantial change in your life.

Now you get in your car, and you start driving, this represents you as you begin to gather knowledge on how you want to lead your "new" life. Here is the catch, you are driving down a single lane highway, there is no traffic coming the opposite direction, there is no way to go back. There are also forks in the road, with signs, the signs represent decisions that you get to make along the way, such as "talk to her" and beside it "don't talk to her" each pointing in a different direction. Each path is an alternate universe, your life will change based on what decision you make. This is how life is, there are thousands of dimensions layered on top of each other, and each decision shapes what dimension you are in. Take that in for a second, think about it.

Carrying on, as you drive down this road, you get to choose the speed you go at, you can even stop, BUT you can NEVER turn around. You are free to stop and look at scenery, these are your memories, and they are experiences in life, and you get to choose how long you want to hold onto them for, before they become just another piece of passing scenery on the road. Whenever you approach a city, is a major event in your life, there are many forks in the road, and many things to take in and learn. Remember, as long as you are driving down this road of your "new" life, you are improving, you are learning more. You get to consciously decide which way you are going to go at each fork, you get to decide which alternate universe you are going to live in.

Think about this as you live your life, think of each decision as a fork in the road and slow down to decide which way you want to go. Think of women the same way, consider what will happen is you go AFC on her, or what will happen if you are DJ about it.



Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
Good advice. Too much visualization for me though. I prefer the "If act like a p*ssy, you won't get any of it" type mentality. Quick and to the point.