Vid- Me Picking Up HOT Girls. get JUSTIN BIEBER!


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
I decided to see if I could run daygame.. in a Justin Bieber costume and opening girls with Bieber lyrics. Mainly for the LOLs.. but I got some numbers too. :D Notice how I only approach really, really hot girls too haha

Justin Bieber Picking Up Girls

If you enjoy I'd really appreciate it if you "liked" the video on youtube, and shared it with your friends.

Our goal is to get Bieber to tweet / FB share this video. (That's why its more family friendly that some of our other pick-up videos.) He has millions of twitter / FB followers. If Bieber shares, this video could go viral.

We released it 24 hours ago and it already has 10k views.

Any support / love you send our way is appreciated!

Thanks fellas (and possible ladies here? lol)!



Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Good stuff man. I "liked" it, lol. Dude at the end was a chump.

Is that UCLA's campus? Or UCSB?


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Pretty good...some definite room for improvement, though, the costume and body language didn't exactly match the persona...but overall not bad, had a nice playful vibe to them....and it looked like your confidence and body language were improving the more the video went on....take note Sage, although far from perfect, these approaches are more on the correct path than what you posted... am not a Bieber fan only major complaint...

The fag on the skateboard...OMG i would like to punch him in the face....the video would have been so great if you just knocked him out with out saying anything....i just can't stand white knight beta butt hurt queers like that dude trying to humilate the guy in front of the girl and make the guy feel shameful for cold approaching and trying to elevate themselves while doing so...frickin punks..skateboarders tend to be the worse for whatever reason..

are you guys who are posting these videos just using a wireless microphone??? i would like to go out and post some...i assume you must be using a camera man...wonder if i could do this completely solo..


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
zinc4 said:
Pretty good...some definite room for improvement, though, the costume and body language didn't exactly match the persona...but overall not bad, had a nice playful vibe to them....and it looked like your confidence and body language were improving the more the video went on....take note Sage, although far from perfect, these approaches are more on the correct path than what you posted... am not a Bieber fan only major complaint...

The fag on the skateboard...OMG i would like to punch him in the face....the video would have been so great if you just knocked him out with out saying anything....i just can't stand white knight beta butt hurt queers like that dude trying to humilate the guy in front of the girl and make the guy feel shameful for cold approaching and trying to elevate themselves while doing so...frickin punks..skateboarders tend to be the worse for whatever reason..

are you guys who are posting these videos just using a wireless microphone??? i would like to go out and post some...i assume you must be using a camera man...wonder if i could do this completely solo..
Thanks man.. yeah its hard enough picking up girls during the day, sober, in a stupid wig, and using bieber lyrics designed for 12 year olds haha.. throw in the ****block and i didn't know quite hot to react.. was slow on my feet there.

yeah we have a transmitting mic and a cameraman. you cant film solo, definitly need a cameraman.