Very new to "Health and Fitness"


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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Hey there,

I'm 41 years old, an ex smoker of 25 yrs, sat on my ass for the last 20 years, got kinda overweight, and generally I'm pretty out of shape. In the past six months I have gotten my weight down to 200lbs from a high of 240 and I am pretty happy about that but I'm looking to take it to the next level. I have also given up smoking (5 weeks now), given up my old eating habits (lots of junk), and I've started doing 25 minutes of yoga in my home 4-5 times per week. Yoga is kicking my butt after 20 years of inactivity but it is making my life so much better.

Being so far out of shape I have a few questions:

1) For a guy my age, what are some realistic expectations about reshaping my body?

I don't expect, or even want to be huge and cut (I have wide shoulders as it is...any bigger and I might look freakish) but I would like to lose the gut and just tighten up all over. The gut and love handles are shrinking but I would like to reduce them to minimal size.

2) Any concerns I should have? Any of the over 40 crowd here have any tips? (I know we're a minority)

3) I have read much of the beginner info here but it's all quite confusing...there seems to be a LOT to think about and I think it's geared toward younger fellas, and guys who are REALLY serious about becoming Greek gods...neither of those is me. Can you guys offer some basic tips on where to start?

I'm asking these questions because I am genuinely a newbie at this fitness thing and I need to walk before I can run so to speak. I don't want to hurt myself (basic yoga is making me sore as it is) but I also want to see some results and tighten up. I have been researching this stuff on my own for a few weeks but there are so many differing opinions out there it's tough to sort it out and I figured I'd ask some real live people for advice.

So, any tips or simple guides for a brand spanking aging noob?




Don Juan
Jan 6, 2006
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40+ doesn't mean you can't build a lean and muscular body.

Given you are very unfit and out of shape it would be best to focus on just going for brisk walks for 1 hr per day, doing some general mobility work like Magnificent Mobility DVD and bodyweight strength exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges etc. for at least a month or two before introducing heavier resistance training in the gym.

Also, focus on getting more non-exercises activity into your day to day life.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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How far are you willing to go? You realize that being fit and healthy isn't something you do once in awhile. It's a whole lifestyle and set of habits.

You can lose the weight and get down to under 200lbs no problem but if you're not used to it you will just gain it all back again. You have to commit 100% to living better and taking care of yourself. Don't think of it as a chore, think of it as something you do for yourself because you care to be healthy and fit. It not only makes you attractive, it helps you live longer and you have a higher quality of life.

Also, there's plenty of healthy foods and recipes. Spices and cooking methods make a huge difference between a bland meal and something delicious.

As far as losing the weight, you do this by two methods. Cut the calories and increase the exercise. You do this slowly. You never shock your body if you don't have to. Make changes slow and gradual. Calorie wise what you eat is as important as how much you eat and when you eat it.

Meals should be spread out. They should contain plenty of proteins and fats as well as slow carbs. Slow carbs are things like potatoes with skin, brown rice, whole grain pasta bread... etc. The less processed the food, the more complex it is. You want to digest things slowly. Don't shock the body because if you do that activates the hormones. For example, too much exercise too quickly raises your stress levels and it raises cortisol (a hormone). It helps put on fat. Too much crap foods from sugars and refined carbohydrates spikes insulin levels (the most important hormone) and you put on fat, it also makes you hungry later when insulin levels drop after that massive spike so you eat more crap in a couple of hours. Complex carbohydrates are slow to digest and keep insulin levels fairly level.

Try those two things. Slower to digest and more natural foods and slowly increase training until you're comfortable.