Very Confused


New Member
Sep 27, 2003
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Hey everyone.

Anyways I got some issue with this girl I really like... I'm gonna try to give as much detail as I can but within limits cause im paranoid of someone I know reading this.

So anyways, the way things have been with this girl, we've talked mostly on the internet, and I realize this is a huge mistake and I'm trying as hard as I can to stop this but sometimes it's really hard.

I have been getting extremely mixed signs from her.

The more I "ignore" her, or be kind of ****y and sort of pretend I dont give a damn, she sort of tries to "grab my attention" by talkin to me.

The moment she starts showing me this I start to give in again and be more "nice" cause I cant help but do this for her cause I like her. BUT, the moment I start doing this she backs off again and starts to show less interest.

Last time I saw her in real life, there was some real attraction there, through kino, facial expressions, conversations, etc. and she showed it to, when I spoke to her in the following days. So there was definitely a strong sign she liked me. I offered to get together with her again and usually it's a "yes", or to a specific scenario it's a "maybe". But generally I am slowly letting things get in her control, and not mine.

The thing is, I can wait it out, and be patient and pretend to be ****y and not give a damn, etc. But frankly I am IMPATIENT, I just want to cut the bull**** and "seal the deal" or so to speak, to make her my girlfriend, cause I am genuinely interested in her. Now, I KNOW that I can EVENTUALLY get to see her again(although I've been over-persisting on it in last few days and she's SENSED it, and started showing less interest in me). But I am IMPATIENT, I dont want to wait a long ass time, I just wanna see her, KINO THE HELL OUT OF HER, and SEAL THE DAMN DEAL. No more SMALL TALK BULL****. I cannot stand talking to her on the internet, she enjoys it so much but I ****in can't stand it. Cause i always have to try and talk properly, etc. BUT I have no other way of seeing her really unless I CALL her. But if I call her all the time then that shows I am DESPERATE, so that makes it worse so I in a way HAVE to depend on the internet to remain in contact with her.

So what I feel I should do is, IMMIDIEATLY destroy any feelings of "oneitis" I may be developing for her(I haev a strong tendency to do that), and stop talking ot her on the internet as much as i can, and to remain in contact but remove my "desperate" traits ive been starting to redevelop, and be a little more ****y again. Then EVENTUALLY(AND YES THIS WILL EVENTUALLY HAPPEN), when I make her see me again(at a party ideally) I will Kino her to such an extent that she'll be mine by end of the night. Problem is, I wanted this to be tomorrow cause i am SO DAMN IMPATIENT but she turned down my invitation cause she didnt like the activity I suggested AND cause she has early o'clock curfew... this is understandable of course, but I can't seem to help but feel she doesnt want to go acues shes not interested IN ME, NOT cause of the activity, as I have learned, the "reality factor". I suggested how about we do something else, she just responded with maybe. I am going to save myself and stop this persistant nagging before I fall into a deeper hole then I am in now and end up in an UNCURABLE state(Im not there yet thankfully lol).

I tihnk I should tell her that I acnnot use internet much anymore cause Ill be too busy studying so if she REALLY wants to stay in contact with em she'll have no problem calling me(BINGO I LIKE THIS IDEA!!)

So does everyone agree with me that my plan of action should be as such:

1) destroy any feelings of "oneitis" I am developing for her
2) IMMIDIEATLY repair any signs of "over-desperation" that I may have started to show her by not showing her much attention or being overly nice and doing everything she asks
3) Try to talk to her on the internet as little as possible
4) When I finally get to see her, Kino her to such an extent that the "deal is finally sealed" over that night and she's mine.

Also, another thing I am GREATLY GREATLY GREATLY GREATLY WORRIED ABOUT!!! is that I think she might just like me as a FRIEND who she might "flirt with a bit just cause im an attractive guy" instead of having a REAL INTEREST IN FOR RELATIONSHIP PURPOSES!!! This is what frightens me the most, and honestly I dont want to have ANYTHING TO DO WITH HER UNLESS I am going to go out with her in a relationship. What do you Don Juan masters have to say about this?

Also, in general, my main problem with girls is they all show "interest", and I have absolutely no problem doing cold approaches or making them like me, etc. But where I DO have a problem is SEALING THE DAMN DEAL. I just CANT get that official reward where it really matters of "hooking up" or "getting sex". Those are the 2 things I care about and I really dont give half a rat's ass about flirting or girls "liking me" if I cant get anything out of it. That is A LOT of wasted time in my view!!!!!!! How do you Don Juan masters go about "sealing the deal" with girls that are interested in you?

Sorry for the very unorganized post I just layed out all my thoughts. As you can see I do have some understanding of how to be a Don Juan but I feel very inexperienced and need as much advise as i can get.

Thanks a GREAT amount for your help!!!



Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
Well, you could talk to her over the net every know and then, but I suggest, you go out and meet some locals, or just get out a start pimpin. In my opinion I never saw chat as a way to hook up with people, just doesn't seem right. Now its a good place to practice, or blow off steam. I say destroy the oneitis feelings, and make her into a friend/practice dummy.

my 2 cents


New Member
Sep 27, 2003
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Originally posted by On_the_Top
Well, you could talk to her over the net every know and then, but I suggest, you go out and meet some locals, or just get out a start pimpin. In my opinion I never saw chat as a way to hook up with people, just doesn't seem right. Now its a good place to practice, or blow off steam. I say destroy the oneitis feelings, and make her into a friend/practice dummy.

my 2 cents
Well, thanks for your advise. And yes I agree, the intenet is a horrible way of hooking up with girls. But, lets say if I were to actually still try and get with this girl? Because in all honesty I do have a good chance to get this underway. If I were not to get her, then yea I'd use her in the most beneficial way or just get rid of talking to her completely. But I am going to try and shift this from the internet to phone/real-life, which has been going smoothly thus far(talking to her on phone and real life meeting). We'll see how it goes though.
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
Yeah, avoid the oneitis burden and meet other women, and buds... It'll keep your AFC tendencies in check.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Don't tell her you can't sign on because you have to study. Screw that. Just don't sign online. Uninstall it if you want, or use an old screen name to talk to the people you aren't interested in sexually.

Don't make excuses to her.