haha dude you would KNOW if you had varicose veins... trust me unless your just looking at your heart pumping blood more efficiently your probably just cutting off ciculation through an engorged muscle, NOTHING to worry about.
Tell me the area around the veins is starting to throb when used and the only warning sign you have is those veins, PLUS the veins are starting to(spider) web mysteriously... THATS WHEN YOU HAVE VARICOSE VEINS
I had early encounters with em, your pinching your muscles, wearing tight clothes, you got chopped at a pressure/power point and it tore a muslce and your vein popped out wrong, etc...
most doctors say they only happen in the legs and it's freak they happen anywhere else, unless you are actively practicing martial arts or fighting regularly(duh if you don't have SOMETHING wrong with ur body there) but it can happen all over your body.
To spot varicose veins search for veins that clearly pop out of your skin, both red(fresh) and blue(hemoglobenated

) , they're a little sore to the touch, you can squeeze them and hold them and they don't make you turn purple anywhere you can see... than you've most likely got a varicose vein.
Go see a doctor if ya got one. you might have to get surgery
If ya ain't got one... congrats, you got good form and your body is sending in the cavalry with the nutrients to repair the freshly savaged muscle fibres you purposely stretched and reshaped and weakened(or tore)... you will be stronger the next time you lift weights, try cardio or any other such activity
PS posted by C00L""""""i have vains on my arms that bulge because i work out but no vericose.""""
that's veins and varicose