Usurping the position of alpha in a social group... need help


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2007
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Very quick background, there are two social circles in question here. First, circle A, which is mine. I pretty much am the alpha male of that group, however it was pretty easy since no one in that group was any where near being alpha, all beta males. Than there is circle B, and one of my buddies from circle A hangs out a lot with B.

The thing is, circle B is all ***** whipped to a girl (she is a HUGE flirt, although she has a boyfriend she constantly flirts in front of her b/f with all the guys from that social circle) and all the guys are a bunch of AFCs hoping to get something from her. Basically what I want to do, as a personal challenge, is get myself into that group, and become the dominant one, and eventually merge the two groups together. However, it's not something I've ever done and I would need some feedback on how to approach this situation (especially to become the dominant one of group B).



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Sounds like the girl is the alpha male of group B. Not sure why you want to merge these groups, but I would think that coming up with some activity for both groups do go along on would help merge them. Like a camping trip or whatever. Get everybody to go bowling, get tickets for an event like a concert or basketball game and have all the seats together, and go out for food or drinks afterwards. Depends on what they're interested in.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2010
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If the men of group B are p*ssy wipped by the girl, just attract the girl and all will follow, im not sure why you want such group, usually p*ssy wipped men arent good friends and girls that flirt like hell usually are attention wh*res, i dont recommend either.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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Ach, do not go near that AFC circle, don't even touch them with a long stick. Do you really want to spend your time in the company of pvssywhipped faggots? They always make terrible friends, are incredibly needy, jealous, will drag you down with them and back stab you.

Find a social circle that has other alpha's in it and just join them.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
gotta give it to you goys, some very good answers here!

people on here often talk about being an "altha", its more of a mindset you should have...which a by product if is that people look up to you more...

Is the OP's desire for domination slightly misguided as there almost definitely more beneficial things to do with your time...
what captJ said - joining up with other "altha" types will improve you much more!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2007
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good posts guys, thanks for the feedback

To understand my reasoning, you have to keep in mind that I think of the alpha male on a primitive, animal behavior (I have a Darwinian philosophy in the sense that I believe we have evolved from monkeys, and all our behaviors can be explained by regular animal instinct of survival).

to answer your questions, the reason why I want to do this is mainly the challenge of it, because this group is, to me, boring as hell (when a fun night for them is staying at that alpha girl's house and watch her play Wii, that's boring as hell IMO). I have no interest of befriending them in the long run, I just see this as an experiment and a personal challenge

The reason why is I've always been a beta male, including with good friends of mine that I had back a while ago. And through this website and personal work on myself, I'm getting more and more rid of my beta behavior and progressing toward alpha behavior. I can easily notice this since, when I think about it, I pretty much became the alpha male of the social circle A without thinking of it or making any effort to become the alpha male, it pretty much happened naturally (which is new to me, I've always been a follower)and I was curious to see how far I progressed by finding out if I could become the alpha male of a group that already has one (well, female)

Anyways thanks for your input guys, if I decide to see this through, I guess it's through her that I have to do this



Dec 17, 2009
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you have been watching way too much national geographic channel. How about get your own girl? Ever thought about that one? She's taken.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2007
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Falcon25 said:
you have been watching way too much national geographic channel. How about get your own girl? Ever thought about that one? She's taken.
Where is it written that I am even remotely interested in this girl? As I recall, the whole point of this thread is, crudely said, that I want to gain control of that group. Learn to read before you post, alright?


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
I read exactly what you were thinking. You want to sway another man's girl for your own ego. I know exactly what you're talking about. I can see your insecurities in your writing, and haven't even met you. Good Luck with your Darwin experiement. Make sure you learn how to fight. Just in case her boyfriend or some other boyfriend, doesn't take kindly to your "experiments".


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2007
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Falcon25 said:
I read exactly what you were thinking. You want to sway another man's girl for your own ego. I know exactly what you're talking about. I can see your insecurities in your writing, and haven't even met you. Good Luck with your Darwin experiement. Make sure you learn how to fight. Just in case her boyfriend or some other boyfriend, doesn't take kindly to your "experiments".
You're either an idiot or a troll, either way, if you're not happy with what I'm planning to do, or with my way of thinking, or anything that has been written in here for all that matters, how about you get the **** out of this thread?


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2010
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Falcon25, being side by side to a girl doenst mean shes taken (how old hare you?), it just means that those men are fcking pvssys.

AFC much?


New Member
Mar 21, 2010
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Dude if you want to get a girl all you need is a little confidence. I was a virgin until I was 19. I used to be scared to approach women. I'm 26 now and I have slept with 34 girls. Not all of them have been fine. In fact I have only slept with 1 that I would say was a 10. Most have been in the 6-8 range. Yet I'm happy about it.

The best advice I was ever given was by this black guy from back in high school. He had all the ladies. Since we worked at Walmart together back then, I asked him what the secret was. His answer was simple: the worst thing a girl can say is NO. Then you move on! Good luck! Most guys here cant get laid and use morality as an excuse. Thats bull****. If a fine female was butt naked in their bed, they would **** her in an isntant regarless of whether she was taken, naked, lesbian, etc.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
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Shivastorm_88 said:
Where is it written that I am even remotely interested in this girl? As I recall, the whole point of this thread is, crudely said, that I want to gain control of that group. Learn to read before you post, alright?
Do you think alpha guys look out for groups to control, or they just be themself and end up being the most influential person in the groups of people they choose to spend their time with?

The entire thought process here is very beta already.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2010
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KabronMex said:
Dude if you want to get a girl all you need is a little confidence. I was a virgin until I was 19. I used to be scared to approach women. I'm 26 now and I have slept with 34 girls. Not all of them have been fine. In fact I have only slept with 1 that I would say was a 10. Most have been in the 6-8 range. Yet I'm happy about it.

The best advice I was ever given was by this black guy from back in high school. He had all the ladies. Since we worked at Walmart together back then, I asked him what the secret was. His answer was simple: the worst thing a girl can say is NO. Then you move on! Good luck! Most guys here cant get laid and use morality as an excuse. Thats bull****. If a fine female was butt naked in their bed, they would **** her in an isntant regarless of whether she was taken, naked, lesbian, etc.
Couldn't say it better myself.
But i never count the girls that i slept with, never did a perfect ten :/.

Tesl said:
The entire thought process here is very beta already.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2007
Reaction score
Tesl said:
Do you think alpha guys look out for groups to control, or they just be themself and end up being the most influential person in the groups of people they choose to spend their time with?

The entire thought process here is very beta already.
Yeah I know it is, I never said the opposite and never will. Read my second post I did mention that I noticed I naturally took control of my social group without having it as a goal in itself, once again this whole thing is just an experiment and a personal challenge, I have no intentions of befriending them in the long run.

The only thing that I should correct from my initial post is that I have no intentions of merging the two groups together... I was tired when I wrote this, I must of had two trail of thoughts mixed together...