Used me coz she was bored


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
So this gal i knew apparently used me and made me like her because she was bored

she just got out of a relationship and she knew me, shes an aw (didnt know that at the time, i was a major afc) and she used me, flirted with me etc etc because she had no one else, this other guy comes along fair play to the lad, and now she is using him like that

she puts on a whole new person around guys ive found out (all this from a friend)

the thing is she told me a major secret she has, could i use this to my advantage

i dont wanna get her, i dont like her anymore, i know its sad but i wanna make her realise how cheap she is and how playing with guys feelings like she is, smacks of insecurity and is just plain rude

i wanna tease the **** out of her by telling her "u used me coz i was bored? is that all i meant to you? that secret u told me was only because u were bored? those things we talked about were because u were bored? u seriously want me to believe that?"

and maybe saying "well im bored right now, maybe ill tell some ppl about ur secret"


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
I think she just needed some attention. I believe relationships work like this: give something, and get SOMETHING in return. If you feel she just used you as a guy that gave her only "attention" then drop her. There are enough females on this planet and some of them are attention wh0res unfortunately.

Good luck my friend.
(but perhaps I'm wrong... so think carefully)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
no your totally right, and i have dropped her

but when i found out about this (last night) i just cant help but wanna tell her how rude it is

this is the text im planning on sending

"u used me coz u were bored? u told me your secret coz u were bored? those things we talked about at night were coz u were bored? seriously? i like you as a friend and dont wanna lose u as one but some advice, if u plan on doing that with stuart or any other guy then think twice, being sum1 ur not maybe fun for you and for him to find out about, but hurting his feelings like that smacks of insecurity and isnt good at all sorry, u told me to think about this gals bf feelings (dont worry about that sosuave) but why dont you think about a guys feelings for once x"


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Peter, quit being such an AFC and forget about this chick.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
seriously i really dont want her, i just wanna tell her as a friend (which we are and thats all we will ever be, even if she wanted more) that what shes doing is wrong

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
Originally posted by PeterCrouch
So this gal i knew apparently used me and made me like her because she was bored

she just got out of a relationship and she knew me, shes an aw (didnt know that at the time, i was a major afc) and she used me, flirted with me etc etc because she had no one else, this other guy comes along fair play to the lad, and now she is using him like that

she puts on a whole new person around guys ive found out (all this from a friend)

the thing is she told me a major secret she has, could i use this to my advantage

i dont wanna get her, i dont like her anymore, i know its sad but i wanna make her realise how cheap she is and how playing with guys feelings like she is, smacks of insecurity and is just plain rude

i wanna tease the **** out of her by telling her "u used me coz i was bored? is that all i meant to you? that secret u told me was only because u were bored? those things we talked about were because u were bored? u seriously want me to believe that?"

and maybe saying "well im bored right now, maybe ill tell some ppl about ur secret"
Some of us have been there. No matter what you did it was all your fault. That's what she believes. Don't even waste your time sending anything to her because It will just backfire on you. They probably live empty lives, they are doomed to it.

What's up with you? A girl uses you and you still want to be her friend? Oh yeah. :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
The whole "I just want to let her know that what she did was wrong, just as a FRIEND" is pointless. You just want to let her know that she hurt you. Well, guess what, little does she care (otherwise she wouldn't have done it in the beginning).

I have a friend who does that all the time (notice also that it wasn't an isolated event). Girls might pretend they're sorry, until they find a new guy and they no longer have time to be sorry.

Use the energy you now have as a motivating force for something positive, like watching tv or making a sandwich.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Dude don't get angry with her. That's like admitting she's controlling you by making you angry.

She's an attention wh0re who wh0re'd attention. Just treat her for what she is. Flirt with her when you want to feel good about yourself.

And when she brings up her secret - tell her you forgot it. :p