us vs the afc world? it hurts

Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
the best place on earth- cali
Does anyone else feel that the more dedicated you are to improving yourself and your life, the more people don't want you to?

Some of my friends resent me because I'm trying to become a better, stronger, faster, wiser person and they don't want to see me succeed. I know it's easy to say "well, drop them then. they aren't your friends" but that's A LOT HARDER than it sounds. Some of these guys have been lifelong friends and I'm not sure how to treat them.

This goes beyond friends though-- more and more people want to see the same predictable person and aren't comfortable with self-improvement. It seems like the more steps I take down DJ Avenue the harder it is to get through the day.

I need your advice... sometimes hearing a diss or being ignored from a friend I've known for so long just rips me up inside. thanks


Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
As you move forward, it is common for you to leave your AFC friends behind. Why? Because they will hold you down from ever becoming what you want to be.
Don't totally distances yourself from your old friends, but re-examine who they are and what they offer you.
I read somewhere (and the Link to Pook's post above outlines this), that you only will ever have a handful of "true" friends. By this I mean people who would do anything for you, no matter the circumstances, without asking "why"?

Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
the best place on earth- cali

Yeah I have it bookmarked and I was going to post the link with something along the lines of "Pook touched on this but I don't think it's adaquate..."

"Endure!" is a good start but I'm still struggling with trying to find a greater good as to all of this. Are the sacrifices we make-- especially old friends -- really WORTH this new "happy" and improved life?

Plus, some (most, here) of the popular kids ARE afcs that are atheletic.. I mean, you'd imagine them to be jerks and get girls but I've listened to them talk with girls and they're TERRIBLE. And you're supposed to befriends these popular afcs to rise above your school? Become cool? Be popular?

It's hard when, at the end of the day, the only real person who fully supports me is the guy in the mirror.

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Don't totally distances yourself from your old friends, but re-examine who they are and what they offer you.
My GOD that was disgusting.
I think I know what they're offering...friendship, maybe?
I wish one of your "friends" would read that and see what a prick you actually are...

anyways, on topic:

Of coarse you're friends are gonna get annoyed if you spend less time with them. Some people are just happy the way their lives are (like me!) and when a good friend starts to move away it can totally freak them out, cause it reminds them that things are changing and while they are happy now, they might not be later...if ya know what I mean.

You shouldn't drop a friend just because they are an AFC...Just treat your friends as you'd like them to treat you


Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
My GOD that was disgusting.
I think I know what they're offering...friendship, maybe?
I wish one of your "friends" would read that and see what a prick you actually are...
I was merely touching on Pooks post.
Anyone can offer "friendship", hell, ask most Americans and they will tell you that anyone they meet and is kind they consider a "friend". I am simply trying to tell him to look over his friends and find out the ones that count...
Nothing hurts worse then getting betrayed by someone you trust, and that usually is a friend (this is life, everyone is looking out for number 1), only a select few really care about you....
I'm not a prick in this, I am simply showing him how life is.
You shouldn't drop a friend just because they are an AFC...Just treat your friends as you'd like them to treat you
This doesn't always work, jealousy is a large factor.
When your "AFC" friends see you in action they might be envious of the "new" you. The best thing you can do is offer them the advice of DJ and get them on the site, then they can make their own choices.
Remember, we were all AFCs once...