Hello all, i´ve been on the forums for like 2 years, reading everyone posts etc etc and trying to improve myself.
Last year i had my school senior trip and met a girl, wich i nailed on the trip for 5 days. Before this trip i was seeing this girl, that after became my girlfriend (after the senior trip).
This year i joined the university and the girl from the trip was there. I started spinning her as plate, (i really like my gf but as i watch other guys getting "absorved" for that only one girl and then that girl making them do wathever they wanted to made me sick) i really ddint want to be that guy and this gave stability in the relationship and to myself as a guy. It helped me to mantain dominant in the relationship and in my life.
Well the thing is, this girl knows i have a gf, i explained to her that i really didnt want anything more than sex (friends with benefits) and that i really like my girlfriend. She agreed on this and i've seen her not many times but been with her for like 6x.
My relationship is going very well but today, as i saw my gf facebook( have her password) i saw a message from a girl from her city (i switched city when i went to university) saying that i was cheating on her and that i wouldnt admit it nor my friends, she named like 3 or 4. I tought about it for like 10x and answered saying that i couldnt believe it and that i would check for myself and thanking her for that and gave her a phone number( a friend of mine she didnt knew).
But now ive watched more carefully, and the profile was created recently and its definitily someony trying to screw my life!Probably the girl from the trip or her friends!!
what should i do??? PLEASE HELP