Urgent Advice Required


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Hey there fellow DJ, thank you for viewing my post and i hope you can help me.
I got a pretty depressing situation at the hand
I used to go to a high school and i met this girl(a 9, blond, blue eyes, perfect body), i liked her since year 8 and have been chasing her since, from year 8-10 she became the girlfriend of many jerks in my school, things didn't go great, she knew i liked her because(you won't believ this) she used to go out with a guy who i used to hang around with, he sort of guessed i liked her but didn't care much about it. strangly she asked her ex-bf's friend who was also my friend to get close to me and diged out how i felt about her(stupidly i told him all i felt for that girl), and thanks to that spy she found out how i felt and he publically humilated me. My confidence was shattered and i hated the girl since-guess what, in year 11 she started liking me, but i still didnt believe it because of what she did to me in year 9, so she sent subtle messages and stuff but i didnt respond, just got on with my life. Finally came my GCSEs, and after my maths exam she came up to me, all smiling and laughing(after a maths exam...) and asked me whether i was going to the prom(i wasnt cause i didnt have anyone to go with and i hated my old school), and practically begged me to go with her:)eek: :eek: :eek: ), i was really suprised(i still liked her a bit), so i reluctantly agreed:)kick: ). Two days later i went to a friends house and she was there too, it went great so i(was still a nice guy and had no experience then) asked her to come to my house the day after, she said yes(here comes my mistakes). It was a friday, she came, we watched a film(boring...), ate some lunch, had a really boring day and to top it up i scrwed it up completely, i made every mistake you can when a girl goes around your house, acting nervous, making nervous jokes, freaking her out by telling her i really really loved her but dont love her any more just before she left...you get the drift.
Thanks to that day, she went to the prom with a bunch of friends, i didn't talk to her at the prom and things ended after i gave her a call the day after the prom, she sounded completely done wth me(i dont blame her).
So came the summer holidays, i found a new school, got a new life, love my current life, got many new friends, got a few hobbies, started with Djing and have the basic skills, generally happy with my new life-all i needed is a girl. Its now six month after i last seen her and talked to her so for no reason at all i called her, said we should meet, she agreed, sounded generally happy(there is something to notice here, i gave her a good luck charm before i left her, on the phone she said it was weird cause i called her exactly 10 minutes after she put on the charm-i thought she wouldnt wear it cause i screwd up so much). We were going to go for a coffee but she had to babysit her sister(shes 17-same as me), so i went to her house instead, i played it cool(like a new DJ), we had a good time, played board game, coooked a cake, had a few laughs with her sis(whos only 5), but i stayed off the kino and other skills which are to be used on new girls you meet. She saw my timetable(the one you make for a routine) and she said she needed one, so i agreed to make her one as long as she record her activities for 3 weeks(slick hey? i will know what her life is like and can plan what time to call her and stuff). I left on a high note and now i am hoping to set up a second date, she postphoned it twise now.
Here are the questions:
Do i still have a chance after that much screwing up?
Should i still go for her or its time to move on?
Am i obssessed with her?
Does she like me?
What should i do with her on my next date(if we would have one?)


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
silverwolfalpha said:
Do i still have a chance after that much screwing up?
Should i still go for her or its time to move on?
Am i obssessed with her?
Does she like me?
What should i do with her on my next date(if we would have one?)
1 maybe but she postponed on you two times now, so do you still wanna?
2 no, but you care too much about what she thinks when you should be doing other things.
3 who knows?
4 go out with someone new. have fun. dont think of her.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Hmm well it sounds like things are going pretty much well. I think she does kinda likes you know, since you act like a normal human being! NO, you are not obsessed with her. Be more of a chalenge for her if u want to attract her!! U should think of how to attract her more!! And GOOOO out with other girls!! U have to pratctice, wich means with other women u get a chance to practice!! PRActice makes perfect!! I dont know how u fell about leaving her behind!! I dont think u should let go of her just yet!! See how things will go on for u!! WIsh u all the luck u need