Bungo Pony
Master Don Juan
Well everyone, here's a bit of an update on my crappy living situation. My father had a "talk" with me about a week ago. He's trying to turn me against my mother. He told me that my mother likes my brother a lot more than me. He told me that she's only excited about my wedding so she can show off the wedding cake she's making.
What a load of ****.
I decided to get the hell out of there. I've re-applied for the temporary job I had at Wendy's a while back. I'm going to look at an apartment after work today. The next 7 months are going to be difficult financially, but I need to be free of this emotional burden. I feel like I've been fighting mentally all my life, and I'm getting exhausted. I need a break. My fiance will be moving in with me in February after she's done school. I'm doing my best to keep my spirits up, but it's been difficult. After being smoke-free for over a month, I've gone back, but I'm doing my best to only smoke when I absolutely need it. I'll work on completely quitting again after I move.
What a load of ****.
I decided to get the hell out of there. I've re-applied for the temporary job I had at Wendy's a while back. I'm going to look at an apartment after work today. The next 7 months are going to be difficult financially, but I need to be free of this emotional burden. I feel like I've been fighting mentally all my life, and I'm getting exhausted. I need a break. My fiance will be moving in with me in February after she's done school. I'm doing my best to keep my spirits up, but it's been difficult. After being smoke-free for over a month, I've gone back, but I'm doing my best to only smoke when I absolutely need it. I'll work on completely quitting again after I move.