Unzip your woman suit!


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Where your sack is supposed to be
To all the guys that are intimidated by women,

You weren't emasculated by society, you were emasculated because you were excluded.

People don't develop phobias when they start reading the New York Times and watching Will & Grace. They develop phobias when they're young and impressionable. Now you've suffered the ramifications of a lack of social adjustment and the corresponding positive reinforcement. Kids in the corner are simply ignored. You've been coasting, probably for years or decades, on a false image of yourself.

If that is true, your damage is emotional.

The man, the person that has all of the natural traits of a Don Juan, is already part of you. Confidence is a bi-product of a man who acts without excessive forethought.

Strategies can sweeten the package, but they're just aspirin when what you need is surgery.

Unzip your woman suit.

Do this by recalling yourself before you were excluded. Feel who you really are. Meditate on this. It can take minute or years to remember who you were about to become before you were socially derailed.

Those guys without problems out there... They don't use strategies. They're not gods, they're just not SOCIALLY scarred. To catch up with them, first cast off who you aren't, then build new layers. In other words, catch up by practicing habitually. You can overtake them because they lack the understanding and discipline. (They never needed it.) It works.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
In The Light
Interesting way to put it. I think this explanation is more accurate than the media argument, although the media tends to exacerbate things.


Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Or "unbutton" the woman suit!

Thanks Mike.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Satori
Interesting way to put it. I think this explanation is more accurate than the media argument, although the media tends to exacerbate things.
I'd agree with that.

You first learn about your failings as a human male getting ignored or beaten up in the schoolyard ... all the happy, rich, and oversexed beautiful people on TV and in movies just keep it fresh over the long-term.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
New York
Originally posted by Hornet
To all the guys that are intimidated by women,

You weren't emasculated by society, you were emasculated because you were excluded.

People don't develop phobias when they start reading the New York Times and watching Will & Grace. They develop phobias when they're young and impressionable. Now you've suffered the ramifications of a lack of social adjustment and the corresponding positive reinforcement. Kids in the corner are simply ignored. You've been coasting, probably for years or decades, on a false image of yourself.

If that is true, your damage is emotional.

The man, the person that has all of the natural traits of a Don Juan, is already part of you. Confidence is a bi-product of a man who acts without excessive forethought.

Strategies can sweeten the package, but they're just aspirin when what you need is surgery.

Unzip your woman suit.

Do this by recalling yourself before you were excluded. Feel who you really are. Meditate on this. It can take minute or years to remember who you were about to become before you were socially derailed.

Those guys without problems out there... They don't use strategies. They're not gods, they're just not SOCIALLY scarred. To catch up with them, first cast off who you aren't, then build new layers. In other words, catch up by practicing habitually. You can overtake them because they lack the understanding and discipline. (They never needed it.) It works.
Inside out man, inside out.