The initial
message in this thread is entirely irrational. Taking the time to speak to anyone who immediately begins with a generalized ad hominem and uses unsupported assertions to benefit his argument is a waste. Since I do have some time to waste, I'll do it quickly. If this is painful for you killerblueeyes, you are at liberty to say it hurts.
What the hell is wrong with some of you people? I can’t tell if its jealousy or if you really are disappointed when someone does a decent job because you did not.
First of all, you provided no frame of reference for us to use as a guide to your complaints. Secondly, there's plenty wrong with many of us, but our ailments are irrelevant.
"Your Immature if you date someone who is older than you". "And ever woman is a *****."
Whoever you were quoting is incapable of writing complete sentences, correct spelling, and accurate grammar. Judging the community upon minor instances of ignorance is irrational and you should not give much personal thought to the criticism of others unless you explicitly ask for it. In other words, do not take the opinions of others personally else you will fall into a trap as you did here.
Go look at your self you pathetic excuse for a man. It is your fault you can’t keep a woman, your fault that they cheat on you, your fault that she bangs your best friend.
Are you speaking to one of us or all of us? Make up your mind. In addition, you are quite wrong with your assertions that fault rests with the man if a woman acts on her own. 'Power' in a relationship is a farce. Every sane and rational person is an individual. Their actions are decided by themselves and by themselves alone. If your partner cannot remain faithful to you, then that is her problem. It is up to you to get over it for there is absolutely no good reason to be attached to any woman. As the old saying goes, "There's plenty of fish in the sea."
I’m sure there is a small percent of women that do it because of mental problems; I’m not talking to you men who have been burned by a wacko.
I am positive that there is an abundance of mentally disturbed men and women. You can look up the statistics on the Internet if you would like. Where the meaning of this sentence becomes unclear is when you connect two unrelated ideas with a semicolon.
It is you shameless people who use woman as an excuse for all you relationship problems.
Ah, the same tired rhetoric of someone who has yet to get off their own pedestal. Would you care to elaborate on why it is shameful for people to place blame on their partner(s) or former partner(s)? If you cannot support this assertion without an argument from an irrational system, then I'll dismiss it as false.
I’m getting off topic, I can’t believe some of the things I’ve read here (Christ even this post is crap).
Yes, most likely, and definitely.
All I’m trying to do is draw attention to the people who would rather criticize someone for an action rather then say “Great job”.
If you just want a pat on the back, give yourself one or run off to one of the other forums developed for needy boys.
Don’t let these select few people’s criticism ruin anything for you. Take into consideration that everyone here's advise is worthless unless you want it to be gold. It doesn’t matter her age, color, religion, height, or job.
Unsupported assertion. State your evidence or retract your argument.
It is how she makes YOU feel, not anyone else.
This is quite irrelevant to the topic and a very subjective claim. Dismissed.