Maybe I should take things slow. After posting here last night, a DJ friend of mine who is a sophomore and I were waiting for pizza. He and a few others came to my place to watch Goldmember since his brother, who buys alcohol, is out of town. I figured I may as well ask him some questions. I ask him this because he said he banged 50 girls in college and right now is in a LTR with a HB 9.9 of nearly six months. So I was curious with what he had to say. I'm trying to remember what he said which is pretty inspiring. He is "T" and I am "E".
E: I was just wondering if you could give me some tips on the game and how you were really good at it.
T: There isn't that much.
E: How did you bang 50 girls then?
T: It was pretty much going to dorm parties.
E: I tried picking up some girls so far and had some bad luck.
T: A lot of people have the misconception that college = instant pu$$y. I came into college thinking this too. Girls know this and they're going to be wary of anyone that talks to them.
E: I heard it was the opposite.
T: They are wrong. I didn't start seeing any girls until late September.
E: So I just have to wait a while then?
T: Go with the flow naturally. You may find a girl you want tomorrow or next week. Its just that right now is kind of a bad time to really try to make a serious effort.
E: Why?
T: Like I said, a lot of girls know that men think that they can have their way with them and many girls do not like that. They also know that if they are drunk, men can take advantage of them and they don't like that either. This happens right away. As soon as they realize that they aren't getting some or as much as they want, they won't be such b1tches.
E: Interesting.
T: Yeah. I was like you and thought that I would get some action early in the year. Every night I would go to parties, keggers, and sometimes just walking around and had little to no luck.
E: Where would you say the ideal pickup is?
T: Before class begins. Just sit next to the girl you want and introduce yourself. Then just talk about the class and see where everything goes from there.
E: So what do you think I should do then?
T: Just don't worry about it. Concentrate on your life and the women will follow. Just don't expect them to jump into your pants initially.
E: You talked about dorm parties. I go to your apartment parties! Whats up with that?
T: Hey, we have fun, don't we?
E: Yeah but I go there for the chicks.
T: For you, the ideal party is the dorm party. A lot of girls that go to apartment parties are often older than you. The reason is because girls that age are just looking for a rich man with a nice car for them to ride in.
E: Gold diggers start that early? [T has a newer Mustang so he has no problem with this]
T: Yeah, it sucks for someone like you who has no car. The way I see it is that there are three echelons of guys here at college: 1) The guys that have nice houses/apartments always with beer on tap and are the party guys 2) the guys that live in apartments or dorms, don't have instant access to beer yet have cars and 3) the guys that are in your situation that live in dorms, have little money, and don't have cars.
E: Damn, that sucks.
T: No, its good for you because thats where dorm parties come in. Girls that go to those know right from the start that the men there are most likely NOT going to have nice cars or all that much money, considering how you're not living in an air conditioned room.
E: So I should go to those next weekend?
T: Yeah but still stop by at my place. Dorm parties are where I found most of my lays.
E: Explain how it happens.
T: First thing to do is just to talk to your friends and then go to the girls. Talk to her. If she asks you to visit her room either later that night or sometime, 90% of the time she wants to f*ck you. No girl asks a guy to her room without the intentions of physical action.
E: How do I get a girl to do that?
T: Be sexual and fun with her. Most men are so horny that they cannot act like a respectable being around girls. Sometimes they go for that but if you have fun, they will want to have fun with the sack.
E: That easy?
T: Yeah but don't expect to get laid every night you are there. A lot of times, girls don't ask you to go into their rooms until later.
E: Why?
T: Its weird but I think its due to the fact that a lot of girls don't want to admit getting laid while drunk. Plus it may be a time for her to think it over.
E: Which could screw me over.
T: Not really. Even if you don't get any from this girl, you can still probably get some action out of her, especially freshmen because they are still wet behind the ears in many relationship aspects.
E: Cool. Were there times where your game was just terrible and you never got any?
T: It happened for a month stretch but it was because I had so much sh1t going on in classes I was getting stressed out. I put women aside to pursue that instead. After finals were done, I went back.
E: Did you ever get bored of those f*ckbuddies?
T: Yeah whichis why I went into that relationship with [HB9.9]. I met her as I was walking into class. We hit it off.
E: I think next week I will go to those dorm parties.
T: Hell yeah, dude. Its a good place to find a girl pretty much to bang without many strings attached.
I remembered all of this (I may have a few things missing) because it was so good. It definitely woke me up to a few more concepts.