a beautiful, smart, sexy, young woman, too. In fact, you can take your pick of millions of such women. It will cost you a few 1000 $ and a trip overseas(to fvck each of a dozen that you have "set up" beforehand) Then she pays YOU 100k (clear, after taxes, over a 5 year period) If you divorce, back she goes, so that's the "guarantee" that she''ll behave herself. You can't get a ONE DAY guarantee of that on a US bvtch. all you have to do, really is be a MAN, and treat her decently, and she will be a good girl for 5 years, at least.
It doesn't matter what you look like or how old you are, either. US immigration law, however, says that you DO have to gross 18k a year in order to bring in a fiance from overseas., that's just minimum wage and 10 hours a week of overtime pay (1.5x base rate) If you can't make that much, you are one sad sack of a "man". Since she will pay YOU 100k (over a 5 year period, and i DO mean "clear", after taxes, it's well worth doing. you do have to know what job to put her in, but she's guaranteed to get it, due to being female and a minority.
they are so desperate, in the 3rd world, that they will accept marriage without even having seen your PICTURE, dudes. after just an hour of ym chat, and a few emails, to show that you are not a weak moron, and you have a realistic game plan to help her. You can get her to sign one helluva prenuptial agreement, too. She can be here for 90 days on a bridal visa, you know, before you must marry her or she has to return to her country of origin. It's such a helluva good deal for them that they practically worship you, and if you know what to do with the money that she gives you in that 5 year period, you can RETIRE, right here in the USA.
It doesn't matter what you look like or how old you are, either. US immigration law, however, says that you DO have to gross 18k a year in order to bring in a fiance from overseas., that's just minimum wage and 10 hours a week of overtime pay (1.5x base rate) If you can't make that much, you are one sad sack of a "man". Since she will pay YOU 100k (over a 5 year period, and i DO mean "clear", after taxes, it's well worth doing. you do have to know what job to put her in, but she's guaranteed to get it, due to being female and a minority.
they are so desperate, in the 3rd world, that they will accept marriage without even having seen your PICTURE, dudes. after just an hour of ym chat, and a few emails, to show that you are not a weak moron, and you have a realistic game plan to help her. You can get her to sign one helluva prenuptial agreement, too. She can be here for 90 days on a bridal visa, you know, before you must marry her or she has to return to her country of origin. It's such a helluva good deal for them that they practically worship you, and if you know what to do with the money that she gives you in that 5 year period, you can RETIRE, right here in the USA.