Hmmmm. Interesting.
Well, I'll entertain this anyways...
It's a toss up. Every girl is diff, so this isn't a blanket.
I normally try to MAX out time, meaning I turn it down.
OR...I let her flip and pick, see what's up. This, to me, isn't a time to try out her like or dislike of Slipknot. Normally girls don't like MOST guy music, but if you've got commonality of music, like Dave Matthews Band, or some rap, then put it in.
That bonding is awesome, links YOU to HER (nlp baby).
Can't say how many times a girl LINKED something to me, which is why HIGH emotions go well with YOU.
The girl i'm seeing now likes DMB, so I put that on alot. Or Dane Cook. So she'll be listening and think of me, or a time together.
I had a girl that liked rock WAY back, Korn actually. She saw it and threw it then. We humped to rock; it was beautiful.
I'd say found out BEFORE hand, before the convo, ask about that music she's liking now, and if you got it use it.
OR introduce her to new stuff along the lines of what she's listening to, so you show you can SHOW her new things (which women love) and CREATE emotional memories and thoughts.
As an example of MATCHIN/LINKING (nlp)...I had a girl, hb10, the elusive one...over last year during a MAJOR nor-easter. We got like 2 feet in a short time. But I picked this girl up who lives in my city anyways b/c I knew we'd get down. I really liked her, and a relationship wasn't gonna happen, but it'd be fun anyways. It was so nuts with the weather, she was freaking the whole time. I calmed her down, and when she stayed at my place it was like a "snow in."
The next day the snow was literally over her 5 foot height, and so nuts. She remembered the great sex and how crazy the whole scene was.
I'd get
texts later on about when it's snowing she thinks of me and wants to come over.
Next question?