Two Recent Dates..and Their Odd, Unexpected, and Ambivalent Outcomes..What's the DEAL


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Last night and Thursday night, I had two first dates with two attractive girls.

First 18 yo Asian girl, kinda punkish. Took her out to a park late at night around midnight (kinda sketchy, I know...but I wanted to make it this way). Got extreme kino by putting her on my back, picking her up a couple times, feeling her ass, kissing her on the cheek, etc. I went in for the makeout twice and was surprised by her not making out with me. She seems like the chick who wants to be hard to get and acted kinda difficult (mainly because I was such a challenge to her), so I think this may have been the reason.

Anyway, I called it at night by telling her I had to go, so the date was only a couple hours long. I called her to get together w/ her again but haven't heard back. It's weird because I felt like I essentially played a GREAT game with her...ballsy, kinda wild, dangerous, mysterious, and most of all, confidence, not to mention the KINO, which I initiated within 20 minutes.

I almost think I was a little TOO much for her.

On to last night. cute 23 yo, fun, well-contained. Took her by the waterfront around 9 pm for a nice romantic stroll. Again, played the aggressive, but confident, but also calm game. Got her to feel real comfortable with me...made her laugh a lot...talked about her interests...let her see just how interesting I was. Took a break over the water, started making the conversation a little deeper, started touching her, and went in for the makeout. First off, she's a GREAT KISSER.

Here's where things began to change though...

After making out with her, it's almost like she started distancing herself towards me. I consider myself to be a pretty good kisser, and it's not like my breath stunk, so this really baffled me.

I could sense that something was on her mind, and when I asked what she was thinking about (she started being really quiet)..she expressed that she was thinking about the situation, claiming she just "hardly knew me."

I began to think that maybe she was starting to rethink jow fast things were progressing (again, I was major DJing her..obviously she couldn't control herself!:cheer: ).

Anyway, for the rest of the trip back, she was TOTALLY quiet, and was not very receptive towards my KINO. We didn't even makeout at the end of the night! :down: She did ask for my b-day, which I was honest about and told her I was 19, so I am not sure if that also began to make her rethink how she was feeling about me.

On the way back, I mentioned that we should kick it up again together, which she agreed to, but I haven't heard back from her since.

So I am really confused here. Any comments on what could have went wrong-or right-- here?

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
Yo WorkerOuter,

Great job of recruiting new chicks for your BANG missions! LOL

Anyway, here's what I think:

Both babes are flakey (how many babes AREN'T?).

I think you hit the nail on the head with both your attempts at self-analysis. Good job. I think you should trust your instincts more.Yes, the first chick was probably overwhelmed. And the second chick was overwhelmed as well. Here's the reason:

Both were attracted to you but both probably went farther with you than they were comfortable with. You used an unfair advantage on them. You used ALL YOUR DJ POWERS ON THEM!!! Most chicks can't handle that much MAN all at once.LOL

But seriously, this is a good thing of sorts. This lets you know that the DJ principles work. But the reason why they only worked in the short term and not the long term is because you were unable to establish a strong enough rapport with them. Yes you DID make a connection with them, but despite what others on this board may tell you, ALL chicks won't give you a F*ck Close on the first night.

I believe that you pushed them past their comfort zone by using your seduction techniques. But the problem is that when you seduce a girl quickly, it's like you have her in a trance. So when there is a break in the action, she comes to her senses. Her rational mind takes back over, and if you haven't connected well enough with her on enough levels, she will then throw all her Anti-Slvt Defense shields back up. It's automatic. It's happened to me too on one of my battlefronts lately.

She will come up with a thousand reasons why she shouldn't go all the way with you. Why? Because she doesn't want to feel like a slvt the next day.

I think you did a good job solder. Play it kind of cool and see if they come back around. If not, next time try to read their body language and conversations more closely.

I'm not saying that you rushed it for sure or anything. But just in case you might have, remember this:

Sometimes you can get a better guage of how far a babe is willing to go by leading her step by step. If she trips on step 3, don't escalate to step 5. Just stay on step 3 consistently until you can manuever her to step 4. But NEVER go backwards. In other words, if she's comfortable with kissing but not having her breasts fondled, don't go all the way back to HOLDING HANDS. lol

And when you've felt like you've invested enough time (hours, days, weeks, etc) into F-closing her, be willing to walk away. Learn a lesson from your name: If the tactics you're using on a babe doesn't WORK, then she's OUTER' here!!! lol. (corny I know...but it's late and i'm sleepy.)

And one other thing:

The Flake tendency is the reason why we must constantly seek out new recruits to join our army of women. Outside of just having faith, it is our best chance of ultimately finding ONE that is worthy of us calling them into full-time relationship service.



Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
The first girl and I had plans for Saturday night. Called her, no response. NEXT THAT B*TCH!

Instead, I hit up the second girl...we got together and watched a movie together. KINO...she still felt a little uncomfortable though. I asked her how she felt and got the answer finally that I was seeking...she WAS overwhelmed. She came to her senses, and was wondering about it all. She felt like things were progressing too fast and that I "act around her like I've known her forever."

I calmly told her that I'm just pretty confident and comfortable around people in general, and that I saw a lot of good potential in her. Anyway, she started getting roused up and defensive, so I calmly simmered her down.

Left her house with a hug and a nice makeout.


Don Juan
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
You came on way too strong and made them uncomfortable. Tone down your "DJ" act.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
MsDonJuan said:
You came on way too strong and made them uncomfortable. Tone down your "DJ" act.
Whatever you do, don't start taking advice from a women. First of all, its not an act, a DJ is who you are. Women are naturally flakey and don't know what they want, so your going to run into this often. Be prepared, there are many fish in the sea.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
Whatever you do, don't start taking advice from a women. First of all, its not an act, a DJ is who you are. Women are naturally flakey and don't know what they want, so your going to run into this often. Be prepared, there are many fish in the sea.
