Part One
Do you ever realize how easy it can be for someone to find information on the Internet about you? I'm a genius at finding information and that's what I get paid to do in life. I once had the self-appointed nickname of "The Inspector" (from Inspector Clouseau). I can find just about anything. (I always joke I'm the CIA.) Sometimes I'm so wickedly good I creep myself out. Lately, I've been creeping myself out of just how ruthlessly easily I can find incredible details about someone based upon almost nothing.
Example 1
There is a cute bartender named only "Katie D." Her roommate Mindy is a co-worker. I type into Google both first names, the name of the restaurant, city, and I find her Twitter page with her last name. And since she told me she moved from Pennslyvania, I was able to pinpoint the exact county and find court records of a court case last year.
You would think that if you have a myspace account and don't have your employer information on your page, for sake of your privacy, that you don't have your employer information connected to you. You would think wrong. What you might not realize is that you probably have co-workers on your friends list who do have their same employer on their page, and you make a comment on their page. And by triangulating data that's how I find you. It's all a game of knowing how to connect dots.
Example 2
A different restaurant. There is a cute bartender named Samantha. In Google, I type her first name, restaurant, city, and confine my results to myspace. I find a comment she left on one of her friends' myspace. Her profile is private but I see her picture and that she's about to move to LA. (Now I know to move fast.)
Obviously I never tell the ladies I snoop around, but I'm a firm advocate of doing it. Know who you're dealing with. (Besides, it's fun to be curious). My philosophy is that once you step outside of your home (metaphorically speaking), you're in the public domain and everything in the public domain is fair game. People often like to equate dating as businesses, referring to such terminology as how your looks "get you through the door" and how dates are "interviews"—well, businesses conduct background checks, why not you. You will find things which will help shed light on their motivations (e.g. lawsuits of indebtedness, bankruptcy) and their character (e.g. shoplifting, dealing in stolen items, battery on a police officer)—not exactly the most forthcoming of issues. This is not in substitution to asking women questions but it does provide something to covertly fact check against. Not to mention looking at bikini pictures and watching her get body painted. Not to mention the party pics of her dressed as a pirate at a Halloween party.
Part Two
I have been plagued by a pattern with the ladies whereby whenever I come across a girl who shows potentially high interest in me, it's right before they leave. They're always just about to quit their job or move across the country. I never find out until it's too late. This has happened to me three times recently. What the hell is up with that? I know what it translates as—move fast—but why does it happen almost all the time? Does this happen to you?
Do you ever realize how easy it can be for someone to find information on the Internet about you? I'm a genius at finding information and that's what I get paid to do in life. I once had the self-appointed nickname of "The Inspector" (from Inspector Clouseau). I can find just about anything. (I always joke I'm the CIA.) Sometimes I'm so wickedly good I creep myself out. Lately, I've been creeping myself out of just how ruthlessly easily I can find incredible details about someone based upon almost nothing.
Example 1
There is a cute bartender named only "Katie D." Her roommate Mindy is a co-worker. I type into Google both first names, the name of the restaurant, city, and I find her Twitter page with her last name. And since she told me she moved from Pennslyvania, I was able to pinpoint the exact county and find court records of a court case last year.
You would think that if you have a myspace account and don't have your employer information on your page, for sake of your privacy, that you don't have your employer information connected to you. You would think wrong. What you might not realize is that you probably have co-workers on your friends list who do have their same employer on their page, and you make a comment on their page. And by triangulating data that's how I find you. It's all a game of knowing how to connect dots.
Example 2
A different restaurant. There is a cute bartender named Samantha. In Google, I type her first name, restaurant, city, and confine my results to myspace. I find a comment she left on one of her friends' myspace. Her profile is private but I see her picture and that she's about to move to LA. (Now I know to move fast.)
Obviously I never tell the ladies I snoop around, but I'm a firm advocate of doing it. Know who you're dealing with. (Besides, it's fun to be curious). My philosophy is that once you step outside of your home (metaphorically speaking), you're in the public domain and everything in the public domain is fair game. People often like to equate dating as businesses, referring to such terminology as how your looks "get you through the door" and how dates are "interviews"—well, businesses conduct background checks, why not you. You will find things which will help shed light on their motivations (e.g. lawsuits of indebtedness, bankruptcy) and their character (e.g. shoplifting, dealing in stolen items, battery on a police officer)—not exactly the most forthcoming of issues. This is not in substitution to asking women questions but it does provide something to covertly fact check against. Not to mention looking at bikini pictures and watching her get body painted. Not to mention the party pics of her dressed as a pirate at a Halloween party.
Part Two
I have been plagued by a pattern with the ladies whereby whenever I come across a girl who shows potentially high interest in me, it's right before they leave. They're always just about to quit their job or move across the country. I never find out until it's too late. This has happened to me three times recently. What the hell is up with that? I know what it translates as—move fast—but why does it happen almost all the time? Does this happen to you?