There is a lot of angsting, philosophising and agonising on this board. So in the interests of saving time, I present for you the tried-and-true field-tested 100% guaranteed Turuwal three-step method for getting sex.
1. Go out into the field
2. Target the girl with the highest interest level at the current moment
3. Escalate until you get rejected
Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 until you get sex.
Well, actually, not quite. If you are completely socially retarded or horribly disfigured there is a slight possibility that you may die of old age before you get sex. So in the interests of saving time, I present for you the not-tried-and-true not-field-tested but still 100% guaranteed Turuwal three-step method for not getting sex.
1. Don't go out into the field
2. Obsess over the girl that you don't have a chance with for months and months
3. Don't escalate because you might get rejected
Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 until you die of old age.
1. Go out into the field
2. Target the girl with the highest interest level at the current moment
3. Escalate until you get rejected
Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 until you get sex.
Well, actually, not quite. If you are completely socially retarded or horribly disfigured there is a slight possibility that you may die of old age before you get sex. So in the interests of saving time, I present for you the not-tried-and-true not-field-tested but still 100% guaranteed Turuwal three-step method for not getting sex.
1. Don't go out into the field
2. Obsess over the girl that you don't have a chance with for months and months
3. Don't escalate because you might get rejected
Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 until you die of old age.