Turn your pad into a spa


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2003
Reaction score
Women shell out hundreds of dollars to go to spas. Why? Women love to be pampered. Try turning your pad into a "spa" and you may just find that any woman that comes over will keep coming over again and again. Here are some ideas. Feel free to add more.

1. Always have an ample supply of bottled water on hand. Spas are always offering their customers water. Having bottled water on hand is a great way to say to a girl "No, I'm not just trying to get you liquored up." Plus, if you do get action, bringing a girl a bottle of water afterwards is priceless.

2. Have nice toiletries in the bathroom. The bathroom is your best chance to achieve a spa-like feel without seeming too "girly". Have nice soap and soft towels available. Have candles present and ideally lit. The bathroom can often make it or break it because it will be the one time when she is entirely alone with her thoughts. That's why having a nasty bathroom is a sure recipe for disaster.

3. Make sure just about everything is "plush". Blankets, pillows, comforters, towels, etc. If you've finished having sex and she wants something to wear, have a nice bedshirt or robe on hand. Don't just give an old ratty T-shirt. Besides she'll look much better in the former. :)

4. Pay a lot of attention to lighting and music. Spas are great with this. You immediately feel at ease when you walk into a spa because of the soft, warm lighting and the mellow music in the background. Strive to achieve this in your own pad.

Your pad should have "spa" written all over it while at the same time retaining its masculine appeal. An ideal way to do this is to leave some rooms (e.g. the living room) a bit more on the masculine side while making sure other rooms (e.g. your bedroom and the bathroom) are more "spa-ish".

If you've got other ideas on how you can turn your pad into a spa, please post 'em.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Westchester Cty, NY
Good post, I'll add this...

Get good at footrubs. Women love 'em. If you do it well on someone who's had past boyfriends/husbands, I just about guarantee they'll say, "he never used to do that for me." Touching in a stimulating but nonsexual way is an excellent bonding tool.