That "Anthony Ellis claims he got this big naturally" thread is kind of the reason I am making this thread.
I am currently 5'9" and weigh approximately 125lbs. I have tried bulking on two separate occasions:
First, I went from 122lbs - 144lbs. Most of it was fat because I was not actively lifting weights.
After that I dropped back to around 132lbs. About 6 months later, I tried bulking again, this time using the Anthony Ellis program. I got to around 140lbs, and it seemed like I hit a plateau. I just could not gain more. I lost motivation, and stopped again.
I have since become unhealthy again and lost a lot of weight. To be honest, after trying two times without much results, I have been a little disappointed. I want to give it another shot, and this time I will focus on core exercises, such as those described by the A-Unit (Repost)... sticky thread.
Also, attached here is a picture of the progress I wish to achieve.
The left hand picture is my most current picture, and on the right is what I would like to achieve. How realistic is this (and how much do you think I would have to gain), how long do you think it would take, and what kind of program do you recommend?
The reason I ask is because, looking at the Anthony Ellis before and after, it appears he was in O.K. shape before he began bulking. I am not too surprised, given his predetermined genetics that he was able to gain as much as he did. I, on the other hand, come from a family of very skinny genetics. My father is a toothpick, same with my mother, brother, and sister. Even my grandparents were/are skinny. The only person I can think of in my family who has a full, muscular figure is my uncle who was a star athlete all of his life. I am wondering if I even have the genetics to be able to break over 150?
Thank you for any advice.
I am currently 5'9" and weigh approximately 125lbs. I have tried bulking on two separate occasions:
First, I went from 122lbs - 144lbs. Most of it was fat because I was not actively lifting weights.
After that I dropped back to around 132lbs. About 6 months later, I tried bulking again, this time using the Anthony Ellis program. I got to around 140lbs, and it seemed like I hit a plateau. I just could not gain more. I lost motivation, and stopped again.
I have since become unhealthy again and lost a lot of weight. To be honest, after trying two times without much results, I have been a little disappointed. I want to give it another shot, and this time I will focus on core exercises, such as those described by the A-Unit (Repost)... sticky thread.
Also, attached here is a picture of the progress I wish to achieve.
The left hand picture is my most current picture, and on the right is what I would like to achieve. How realistic is this (and how much do you think I would have to gain), how long do you think it would take, and what kind of program do you recommend?
The reason I ask is because, looking at the Anthony Ellis before and after, it appears he was in O.K. shape before he began bulking. I am not too surprised, given his predetermined genetics that he was able to gain as much as he did. I, on the other hand, come from a family of very skinny genetics. My father is a toothpick, same with my mother, brother, and sister. Even my grandparents were/are skinny. The only person I can think of in my family who has a full, muscular figure is my uncle who was a star athlete all of his life. I am wondering if I even have the genetics to be able to break over 150?
Thank you for any advice.