trying again


New Member
Apr 20, 2008
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Hi all,
I'm having one-itis I think. Last year I dated this girl for a month and although we broke up shortly after because of my stupidity and insecurity, I moved on and got on with life everyday. Just recently I met up with her again (after sending an apology mail, because I said a lot of stupid **** back then) and we caught up for coffee.

We had a chat and since then we’ve caught up once or twice, and spoken online a few times although its not much compared to before when we weren’t even talking.

…and so, one night she needed a ride home and I was somewhere nearby so I gave her a ride home and somehow rather two awkward moments happened in my car, both our hands were touching for like at least 10-15 seconds (my hands were practically on top of hers, well err..long story – reached for the ipod in my car) and she didn’t pull it away – and from the corner of my eye she looked as if she was blushing (despite her having a bf now, it’s a long distance thing). Since then I’ve been thinking if I should go back for her or not.

She usually starts of chatting with me enthusiastically and then after awhile she becomes a little cold…probably because she thinks she’s in another relationship now I reckon.

I think I stand a chance peeps, what do you guys think? I’m gonna go try my chances.

I'm also quite new in this, so if anyone could give me advice on techniques would be great! Thanks!



Don Juan
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
I wouldn't reccomend getting back w/ her with the intentions of being in a relation/ If you think you can facilitate some sort of Friend With Bennifits type of situation, go for it.

In my experience, anytime yo try getting back with someone you used to be with -it is subject to crash an burn-as your feelings and perspectives have changed over time. It's too idealistic to try and make thigns work out the way they used to.

If you do decide to game this girl, only put as much effort into it as she does. If you feel like your advances are being thwarted-she is probably using you for attention for nothing more then her own validation. If you get the feeling this is the case, do not try to justify things in your head, hoping her intentions match yours. Just flee and find some girls worthy of your attention and time


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2002
Reaction score
Dude read the DJ Bible and the tips on this site, theres some great info in there that will help you. Welcome to